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The Bourne saga: ranking the movies in order of quality It’s an exciting time to be a Jason Bourne fan, for on July 2. Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass hitting the big screen. It had looked unlikely for years, with both star and director apprehensive about returning to the franchise, but finally the fates (and no doubt some intense wooing from Universal) have conspired to bring them back together for more. It’s an exciting prospect as their work together resulted in some of the finest action thrills to hit the silver screen in recent times, and getting Bourne himself back in the driving seat is more than needed to keep the series alive, especially after the misfire that takes place at the bottom spot in this list by quite a margin. With that in mind let’s take a look at the four films that make up the saga so far - ranked in reverse order of quality.

The Bourne Legacy (2. Now let’s get one thing straight: I’m not a hater of The Bourne Legacy, but it is riddled with problems. The core issue is that it’s simply quite forgettable. As a testament to that, let’s take a quick poll – without checking the internet, can anyone immediately remember what the name of Jeremy Renner’s character is? It’s trickier than it should be and it’s not helped, like the rest of the film, by the fact that he’s not called Bourne and therefore the film's own title is a misnomer. The Bourne Legacy is the kind of label you’d expect to be on the boxset to surmise the original trilogy, not to name a film that has approximately zero Jason Bourne in. At the very least you’d expect Renner’s Aaron Cross to share the surname, since we discovered in Ultimatum that Bourne was an alias anyway – Keith Bourne for example would have made a fine addition to the roster.

From Jason Bourne (2016) Jason Bourne:

Unbelievably for Hollywood there wasn’t even an attempt to use the easiest spin on the new leads’ name, why not Crossfire: The Bourne Legacy? Hardly original perhaps, but at least it wouldn’t have missold the film in quite the same way. When trying to judge the merits of Legacy as a standalone action thriller, things become increasingly difficult as a result of the substantial shadow that looms throughout in the form of both Bourne’s name and image, which becomes a constant point of reference to the point of distraction. It's as if there’s a fear people will forget the films are connected, but then it only makes you want to go back and watch the superior antics of the original trilogy.

Renner makes a fine lead, but his character lacks the dry wit his other, more memorable characters have at their disposal such as Hawkeye and Brandt in Avengers and Mission: Impossible respectively, and can’t elicit sympathy in the way that Bourne’s amnesia allowed for. Elsewhere Rachel Weisz, a fine actress and one who even managed to bluster up some fun with her presence in The Mummy movies, has little to do other than scream a la damsel in distress, which is always a frustrating waste when even The Mummy’s Evy was allowed the flexibility to evolve from comic ditz to ass kicker. Likewise Edward Norton - a man whose CV is peppered with exceptionally nuanced and, at times, psychotically evil roles - his character spends most of the film being mildly annoyed in front of computer monitors and little else.

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All the component parts that form The Bourne Legacy should add up to a great film, but instead slow pacing and far too infrequent bursts of moderate action only show how immaculately executed the original movies are. It’s a real shame as director Tony Gilroy understands the dynamics of the Bourne movies better than anyone, having written all of them, but in much the same way as happened with David S Goyer and Blade Trinity, the addition of directorial duties seems to have only served as a distraction. Buy Past Life (2017) Movie Online. Defining scene: Legacy does have a couple of moments that work, especially the Terminator- esque shooting spree in the laboratory that carries a chill due to the nature of the perpetrator, but the final chase scene is the one to choose here I think. It’s telling that we’ve had to wait an hour and fifty minutes before getting to the franchise's always exhilarating pursuit, and it does feel like a well overdue reward after listening to endless references to Jason Bourne. Running at over fifteen minutes the action takes place across multiple terrains and transport, with a satisfying and bone crunching denouement that almost, almost, makes you forget how dry the film has been up to that point. Download Whole No Escape (2015) Movie.

Still, there’s hope that lessons have been learnt and there’s plenty of scope to make a successful crossover, which at the very least would put an end to the pining for him that takes place in this film. The Bourne Identity (2. Director Doug Liman isn’t given nearly enough credit when it comes to establishing the Bourne franchise, but then again he’s not given nearly enough credit full stop, despite making several strong movies in multiple genres.

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Just last year Liman helmed Edge Of Tomorrow, an electrifying and fresh sci- fi movie that we’ve championed across several thousands of words here at Den Of Geek. It played out as a strong and confidently handled film, even when the actual shoot tested his abilities to the limit, a situation that he’s no stranger to if you’ve been following his work since the start. There’s a fantastic interview with Liman over at Rolling Stone that covers exactly what makes Liman such a unique and controversial talent, as well as a great reminder that when he started work on The Bourne Identity he had never tackled a film that involved the scale and pressure of a big Hollywood movie, having only a couple of independent films to his name at the time. There’s also mention of some of controversies and fighting that took place between Liman and the studio during the first Bourne film, with his demands for re- shoots and refusal to conform to the usual action- thriller staples – Universal wanted more explosions and bigger scale fight scenes which, ironically considering my choice for the defining scene below, would have involved Bay- ifying the slow build and intimacy of the farm scene. Despite the troubled production, the resultant film proved to be both a critical and financial success, providing Universal the solid base on which to build the sequels upon, even if they didn’t want Liman to be a part of that world anymore. However, it’s easy to forget exactly how much of an impact The Bourne Identity’s success had on the future landscape of action cinema, the ramifications of which are still in effect today. Jason Bourne had given the world an everyman action hero, one completely divorced from the muscle clad 8.

Dolph Lundgren when we spoke to him some years ago.“It came a little bit with the Bourne series, that took a really good actor who wasn't really a fighter, but the story was perfect because it said how can he be such a lethal fighter, you know? How can Matt Damon be so lethal? He doesn't know who he is, you were wondering who he is, and how he can fight like that?

And in order to accomplish that it had to use a special editing job. Because you couldn't really see what was going on. Then everybody copied that style, like what you were saying, where you can't see what's going on. Whereas in the old days, when me and Stallone were fighting in the ring, everything was real. It was all us. There was nobody else in there. Stallone, with no shirt on, getting hit while he was directing the movie. That doesn't happen much anymore.