Reviews horror, European, cult, and midnight movies on DVD. Witches have come in all shapes, sizes, and powers over the centuries, but there’s one thing they usually have in common: They’re women. Image’s powerful series.
The 1. 6 Best Horror Movies Of 2. Horror films are very hit or miss– especially those released in the last couple of decades. Cheap jump scares, vapid characters, and an abundance of boring tropes have become a trend in a lot of feature- length horror films recently. It’s just as well; there’ve been way too many remakes of horror classics that needed no updating. The lack of originality and good directing in the horror genre is definitely a bummer.
However, 2. 01. 6 managed to transcend garbage horror filmmaking and give us some seriously scary and well- made movies. These films are scary, engaging, emotional, and well- written. All of the best traits of a grade A horror film.
Some were released in 2. December 2. 01. 6 release and have already gained critical acclaim at film festivals. There are spoilers are ahead, so tread carefully! Check out the 1. 5 Best Horror Films of 2. The Witch. Don’t you hate when your 1. It’s such a drag– especially when there are witches and Goat Satan trying to get you to join their coven. This period/horror film was the directorial debut of Robert Eggers, and what a debut it was!
With its beautiful cinematography and attention to historical detail reminiscent of a Lars Von Trier, The Witch deserves a spot on this list for its visual appeal at the very least. While very slow- burning and short on the genuine scares, the plot of The Witch is engaging and Anya Taylor- Joy delivers a great performance. The Witch received mostly positive reviews and found international acclaim upon its release. Robert Eggers is also planning to direct a remake of F. W. Murnau’s classic Nosferatu, and we’re really excited to see how Eggers can incorporate his talent for subtle, spooky storytelling into a new rendition of the horror classic. The Conjuring 2. The Conjuring 2 was highly anticipated by fans of the first installment of The Conjuring film series from director James Wan. It didn’t disappoint– where many sequels tend to flop, The Conjuring 2 surprised audiences with how good it was.

Based on the real- life phenomenon that plagued the Hodgson family in 1. England, The Conjuring 2 features the reprised roles of Ed and Lorraine Warren, played by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, respectively.
The film is fast- paced without being nauseating and definitely has James Wan’s signature visual style. There’s a lot of intention in this sequel– when we are supposed to be scared, we are. There are a few twists and turns in The Conjuring 2 that weren’t around in the first film, which make it refreshing yet still a proper sequel.
A spin- off movie called The Nun is in development. Hopefully, the next film can match the previous films’ spooky factor, rather than that of the weaker spin- off Annabelle. They Look Like People. This independent psychological horror film from director Perry Blackshear (who took on the load of shooting, editing, writing, and producing the film as well) came out in 2. Netflix in 2. 01. They Look Like People is an unassuming gem.
For people who sincerely love Halloween. Watch Free Movies Online Selfless (2015). Vintage Halloween Offering BOO BOX Monthly Subscription Service! Posted : July 22nd, 2017. Finally—after weeks of surreal teasers and yesterday’s opening-credits reveal, which actually revealed nothing—we have a real trailer for American Horror Story.
Below, in chronological order (to the best of our knowledge) are the Top 20 Horror Movies Being Released in 2018! Bookmark this page and check back often as we’ll. However, those who do enjoy the genre tend to be diehards. Many are walking encyclopedias, with. Richard O'Brien, Actor: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Born in Cheltenham, England, Richard Smith's family moved to Tauranga, New Zealand, in 1951 when his father, an.
Hey there Horror Fans! Got a inkling for a scary clown movie? Do creepy clowns freak you out? How about just plain haunting face paint that rubs you the wrong way?
For a directorial debut, Perry Blackshear instantly impressed. The film follows a disturbed man named Wyatt during his visit with his best friend in New York.
Right up until the very end, the audience is left wondering if Wyatt is dealing with a dangerous mental illness or if he’s really a sane man tuned in to the onset of a demonic invasion. The film is surprisingly emotional and focuses on the powerful bond two friends can have in the face of adversity. They Look Like People received overwhelmingly positive reviews and is currently still available on Netflix.
Go watch it! But keep the lights on– the moments of eye- squinting darkness make certain things hard to see, but you’ll quickly discover the intent behind it. Cloverfield Lane. Don’t read the second paragraph of this entry if you haven’t seen this film yet. Watch it, then come back. All we can tell you is that, believe it or not, man isn’t the only monster in this crazy good psychological horror- thriller directed by Dan Trachtenberg.
Many viewers of the film didn’t realize until after its release that 1. Cloverfield Lane is actually a spiritual sequel to the 2. Cloverfield. The name could have given it away, sure, but most of the film’s ad campaign kept the looming terror ambiguous until the film’s release. When you inevitably find out that it was aliens all along (for the most part) it’s only the icing on the horror movie cake.
John Goodman is the real terror of the film, portraying the doomsday prepper Howard and serving as the main antagonist through most of the movie. Clearly deranged and militantly possessive of Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s badass character, viewers become more invested in the terror of Howard than of the mystery taking place outside their bunker. Hush. Home invasion slasher flicks can get pretty old pretty fast.
It’s always a helpless girl running and tripping and screaming and getting stabbed. The great ones have their place in horror cinema history, of course, but attempting to make a rewatchable slasher film nowadays usually results in a flat movie that’s as predictable as it is filled with gratuitous shower scenes. Hush, however, absolutely killed it (pardon the pun). We really don’t know what it is about Hush that makes it so refreshingly different.
Perhaps it is the hearing- impaired main character’s obliviousness to the psychopath sneaking up behind her. Or maybe it’s the perfect amount of genius, genuine suspense. It’s a great horror movie. Hush received very positive reviews upon its release, with many audiences and movie critics praising the film for its ability to take a typical slasher plot and make it something modern, and even kind of relatable. Lights Out. The 2. Lights Out is based on has been floating around for a few years, as well as the equally great parody of the short film.
The 2. 01. 6 feature- length supernatural horror film, however, can definitely stand on its own feet. While the “stay in the light!” trope is definitely an established thing in the supernatural horror movie realm, Lights Out somehow makes it something different– and incredibly unsettling. While Lights Out is indeed a supernatural film, the metaphor of the ghost as a mentally ill woman makes us confront a very troubling idea– that sometimes people cling to abuse and trauma to the point that they believe it will not die until they do. In some very subversive (or perhaps totally unintentional) way, Lights Out makes us experience the very real terror of always looking over your shoulder, hoping that the darkness isn’t waiting to swallow us whole. Don’t Breathe. Don’t Breathe has its share of issues, for sure. Finally, we get a decent movie with an elderly disabled (perceived) antihero lead who takes no crap when a bunch of punks decide to take advantage of his disability and rob him!
Unfortunately, the “twist” of the film is a bit of a let- down, and our perceived antihero becomes a deranged psychopathic villain fairly quickly. However, the suspense of this film is impeccably built and every scare it provides is genuine. Similar to Hush in various ways, Don’t Breathe takes the home invasion narrative and makes it something new.
The unique use of visuals and cinematography in Don’t Breath are unexpectedly well- done too– traits you wouldn’t assume of a typical home invasion horror film. The ending is more than acceptable, too. Where other horror films end terribly and incite audible groans, Don’t Breathe ends with the right combination of closure and satisfaction.
Beyond The Gates. Beyond the Gates premiered recently at numerous film festivals and is slated for widespread release later this month. The buzz certainly earns this late- bloomer a spot on our list– according to many critics who saw it, Beyond the Gates is a refreshingly good horror movie. Many of us remember the good ol’ VHS days and the plethora of horror movies based around VHS tapes.
The popularity of Stranger Things has made it clear that we miss the ’8. Beyond the Gates is definitely a nod to ’8. Jumanji sort of medium.
Richard O'Brien - IMDb. Rocky Horror Show Live.