The trial operation of a two-passenger autonomous air taxi (AAT) or flying taxi in Dubai "will begin gradually in the fourth quarter of 2017," the Roads and Transport. The flag of Vietnam, or "red flag with a gold star" (c

Radio Free Northwest – April 1. Northwest Front. On Trump being replaced. All pretense that we are still living under the Constitution and the rule of law would have to be abandoned, in order for Obama or H.

Clinton to be installed as a replacement of Trump. Article Two of the Constitution as amended in the mid 2. Amendments, and the current Presidential Succession Act spell out specific procedures for the replacement of a POTUS; which would have to be completely ignored to install Obama or H. Clinton as POTUS.

In Obama’s case, he is unquestionably barred from being restored as POTUS by the 2. Amendment; which bars anyone from being POTUS even a day past the end of a 2nd full term, under any circumstances, without exception. In H. Clinton’s case, there’s no question that Trump legitimately won the majority of the votes of the Electors of the Electoral College, which is how the Constitution says a POTUS is elected. Whether or not H. Clinton won a slight plurality of the national popular vote is irrelevant. No one won a majority of the national popular vote, because of 3rd party candidates. Clinton does not currently hold any federal office and couldn’t possibly be installed as POTUS under the Constitution or the Presidential Succession Act.

What should happen, is the moment the Senate hands down a verdict by a 2/3rds supermajority vote that Trump is convicted; he is instantly no longer POTUS and simultaneously Pence, who would be present in the Senate during the trial and the handing down of the verdict, and who is VP and President of the Senate, instantly becomes POTUS. After that, I can lay out a far fetched scenario whereby Nancy Pelosi becomes POTUS.

Clinton’s administration. Bush became GOP POTUS. Then the whole government flipped back to the Dems and Obama was elected. Then the whole Congress flipped back to the GOP during Obama’s administration and now Trump is GOP POTUS. So one could easily see the whole Congress flip back to the Dems during the Trump administration. If that happens Nancy Pelosi would be reelected as Speaker of the House. The Speaker is next in line of succession after the VP under the Presidential Succession Act.

So under this hypothetical scenario, here’s the steps of how Pelosi becomes POTUS. The Dems regain both chambers of Congress in 2. Senate supermajority (when you count the 2 left wing independent Senators who caucus with the Dems) like Obama had for his 1st 2 years.

The Dem majority House reelects Pelosi as Speaker and she immediately begins impeachment proceedings against Trump, as she has in fact already threatened to do. A simple Dem majority vote impeaches Trump in the House, like Gingrich’s GOP House impeached B. With Trump’s poll average still below 4. House and Senate to the Dems, and having been impeached in the House; moderate GOP Senators turn on Trump. As the Dem Senate caucus has 6.

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GOP Senators to reach the 2/3rds supermajority vote to convict, and they just get it. Trump, removing him from office. Pence is now POTUS. Pence must nominate a replacement VP, which requires a majority vote confirmation of both chambers of the now Dem Congress. Instead of confirming Pence’s VP nominee, the Dem Congress now impeaches President Pence. This is kind of where this scenario breaks down. It’s hard to conceive that any GOP Senators would convict the mainstream Republican Pence.

Assuming the unlikely event that enough GOP Senators vote to remove President Pence, without the Dem Congress having yet confirmed a replacement VP, then we have neither a POTUS nor VP. This is where the Presidential Succession Act kicks in. As Speaker of the House, which is 3rd in line of Presidential succession, Nancy Pelosi becomes POTUS. Let’s take this all the way. The new Pelosi r.

A joint resolution of the Dem Congress signed by President Pelosi removes Gorsuch from office. It’s not an impeachment on any grounds that Gorsuch did anything wrong. They say he was never legitimately appointed to begin with.

They argue that the GOP unconstitutionally stole the seat from Obama, by not even having a confirmation hearing on Obama nominee Garland. They also argue, that the GOP cheated by going “nuclear” to get Gorsuch through the Senate without meeting the 6. Gorsuch only got 5. They also argue that Trump being already under federal investigation at the time of Gorsuch’s nomination, and ultimately being impeached and removed from office, did not qualify to be able to appoint a SCOTUS Justice. Free Downloads A Cure For Wellness (2017). The Dems then put Garland on the court and the Dems have a 5- 4 majority on the SCOTUS.