Spark. Notes: Star Wars Episodes IV–VI: Themes, Motifs, and Symbols. Themes. The Mystery and Power of the Force. As Ben and Yoda explain it to Luke, the Force is an energy.

The. Force is omnipresent, binding the universe and everything and everyone. It can be manipulated and controlled by a trained. Jedi (and by their evil counterparts, the Sith) and is the source. Jedi’s remarkable powers. The Force can also take a more active.

Jedi’s actions, as when Luke allows the Force to. Death Star. The Force is largely represented. The Force provides. Clearly, however, the Force cannot be identified with. God of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam, as it is impersonal.

One such source is Taoism, an. Chinese religion. Tao, or “Way,” of. In the concept of “light” and “dark” sides of the Force. Manicheism, an ancient near- Eastern religion.

Yoda’s lecture to Luke on the importance of mindfulness. Empire is reminiscent of Buddhist teaching, for. These are just a few interpretations, and though the Force. Star Wars films. it ultimately remains mysterious. Lucas seems to intend a general. The Superiority of Nature over Technology. The Jedi strive to live in simplicity and in harmony with.

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Screencap Gallery for Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977) (The Movies). Part IV in George Lucas' epic, Star Wars: A New Hope opens with a Rebel ship being boarded. Star Wars is a science fiction franchise comprised of movies, books, comics, video games, toys.

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They are not averse to technology, but they do not rely. When. Luke encounters Ben and Yoda in their homes, he finds these Jedi.

And when Luke must. Death Star with one shot, Ben’s voice encourages him. Force. A stark contrast to. Jedi is the behavior of their dark- side counterparts.

Sith. Darth Vader is, as Ben puts it, “more machine than man,”. The. Emperor’s deformed body seems to be in revolt against life itself. Death Star. Clearly then, there is something. Significantly. Darth Vader’s last request is for Luke to remove his mask, so that. Vader may see Luke directly, without the technological filter. Nature proves to be superior to technology when the Ewoks. Empire on Endor. Despite the primitive nature.

Ewoks’ weapons—sticks, stones, arrows, and spears—they are. Imperial troopers, with. Lucas himself has said that. Vietnam War. in which the less technologically advanced side was ultimately victorious. Indeed. this would be an odd thing to claim in films that are themselves. Lucas’s point is that we must not allow the machines. Darth. Vader does but Luke does not.

The Myth of the Hero’s Destiny. Joseph Campbell, in his classic study of world mythology The.

Hero with a Thousand Faces, makes the case that all mythology. Drawing on. the work of psychologists Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, Campbell. Symbolically. these struggles take the form of an orphaned hero who discovers.

Along the way, the hero encounters resistance. Classic examples of heroes who fit Campbell’s pattern include. King Arthur and Oedipus, though in each case the specifics and outcomes. The case of Luke Skywalker can easily be seen to fit this.

Luke is an orphan, uncertain of his place in the. He is cast adrift but is guided. Ben and by Yoda, who share the wise elder counselor.

Luke faces many adversaries, but his greatest challenge. Luke grows in. wisdom and self- understanding.

In the end, however, Luke must face. Jedi Knight and as the symbolic head of his family. Movie Dvd The Ornithologist (2017). Note that. Luke fights Vader in the end primarily to defend his sister, Leia. In this sense, then, the story of Luke Skywalker.

Lucas himself claims to have been influenced by Campbell’s. However, according to Campbell’s theory, such. Incidentally, later. The Hero with a Thousand Faces have. Luke Skywalker prominently on the cover. Motifs. Color Used for Characterization.

Certain characters in the Star Wars trilogy. Darth Vader’s all- black. Vader’s black makes a stark. Luke’s all- white clothes in A New Hope. The Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi- Wan. Han Solo, meanwhile, wears a white shirt with a black vest. Luke’s outfits continue to emphasize his characterization.

In Empire. for example, when Luke journeys to Bespin to rescue his friends. Luke has traveled a. By the time we get. Return of the Jedi, Luke has adopted an all- black. Instead, the black robes he wears recall a priest’s garb. Orchestral Soundtrack. John Williams’s thematic compositions for the Star.

Wars trilogy have been justly acclaimed, and the films. In many ways, the full orchestral accompaniment provided. Williams and powerfully performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. Hollywood films. at a time when pop music was being used more and more in film soundtracks. Another. dramatic musical moment is the Imperial march introduced in The.

Empire Strikes Back as the theme music for Vader’s pursuit. Han and Leia. The march’s rhythm is driving and relentless, capturing. Vader’s own relentless progress through the story. Williams’s score. Speed. Although it may be hard to believe now, one of the things. Star Wars movies apart from the very.

Each of the films has at least. In A New Hope. it is the trench runs during the attack on the Death Star—this scene. Though this scene is. The Empire. Strikes. Back featured Han’s vertiginous flight through the asteroid.

Return of the Jedi sent Luke and Leia. Endor on speeder bikes. Such scenes. had many critics comparing the films, disparagingly, to amusement. George Lucas, such a comparison was hardly. Symbols. Luke’s Cybernetic Hand. At the very end of The Empire Strikes Back. Luke’s right hand, sliced off by Darth Vader during their duel on.

Bespin, is replaced by a cybernetic prosthesis that looks, on the. Symbolically, however, Luke’s mechanical. Early in Return of the Jedi. Luke’s hand when it is damaged during the fight. Jabba’s barge. Rather than having the hand repaired, Luke simply. Luke’s connection to his father. At the climax. of Jedi, Luke beats Vader to the ground and slices.

Vader’s own right hand in a flurry of blows. Vader cries out. in pain, but only wires and circuitry dangle from the wound. Luke. looks in horror at his own right hand and back to his father, making. With his father’s example before.

Luke abstains from revenge, becoming a true Jedi Knight. Lightsabers. The lightsaber is, as Ben teaches Luke, the traditional.

Jedi. In contrast to a blaster, Ben tells Luke, the. In order to attain full maturity, Luke will. Of course, Luke doesn’t relinquish his father’s. Vader. who is, of course, the very father Luke wishes to replace.

A Freudian interpretation would read the lightsabers in. Luke’s amputation as a symbolic. Once again, Luke’s two father figures are placed. Ben as the giving father and Vader as the domineering. Ultimately, Luke does create his own lightsaber to replace. Jedi and his own man. Note that another example of the expressive.

Jedi lightsabers are cool blue. Vader’s Sith blade is angry red. Luke’s own blade is green. Yoda who trained him.

The Death Star. The exact symbolic meaning of the Death Star is ambiguous. On one hand, the Death. Star is a virtually blasphemous instance of the worship of technology.

The station is the size of a moon, an artificial world. On the other hand, Vader himself is something. Emperor, the ultimate voice.

Force, seems quite fond of his new Death. Star, so the opposition is not complete. In the end, the Death Star.