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High Line - Wikipedia. Route map: Google. KML is from Wikidata. High Line. The High Line, an aerial greenway, at 2. Street looking downtown; the vegetation was chosen to pay homage to the wild plants that had colonized the abandoned railway before it was repurposed.

Typeelevated urban linear park; public park. Location. Manhattan, New York City. Coordinates. 40. It was created on a former New York Central Railroad spur on the west side of Manhattan in New York City.

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Since opening in 2. High Line has become an icon in contemporary landscape architecture. Originating in the Lower West Side of Manhattan, the park runs from Gansevoort Street – three blocks below 1.

Street – in the Meatpacking District, through Chelsea, to the northern edge of the West Side Yard on 3. Street near the Javits Center. However, most of the southern section was demolished in 1. At 3. 0th Street, the elevated tracks turn west around the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project. Javits Convention Center on 3.

Street. It can be reached through eleven entrances, five of which are accessible to people with disabilities. The wheelchair- accessible entrances, each with stairs and an elevator, are at Gansevoort, 1. Streets. Additional staircase- only entrances are located at 1. Streets, and 1. 1th Avenue. Street level access is available at 3. Street via an . Foundation Overlook.

The Philip Falcone and Lisa Maria Falcone flyover, as it is called, is named after two major donors to the park. At 3. 4th Street, it curves east while descending, ending at street level midway between 1. Avenues. The trail is made of pebble- dash concrete walkways that swells and constricts, swings from side to side, and divides into concrete tines that meld the hardscape with the planting embedded in railroad gravel mulch. There's a sort of blending or bleeding or suturing between the hard paving, the surface for people to stroll on, and the planting... Portions of track are adaptively re- used for rolling lounges positioned for river views.

At the Gansevoort Street end, a grove of mixed species of birch already provides some dappled shade by late afternoon. As part of a long- term plan for the park to host temporary installations and performances of various kinds. Creative Time, Friends of the High Line, and the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation commissioned The River That Flows Both Ways by Spencer Finch as the inaugural art installation. The work is integrated into the window bays of the former Nabisco Factory loading dock, as a series of 7. Each color is exactly calibrated to match the center pixel of 7. Hudson River, therefore presenting an extended portrait of the river that gives the work its name. Creative Time worked with the artist to realize the site- specific concept that emerged when he saw the rusted, disused mullions of the old factory, which metal and glass specialists Jaroff Design helped to prepare and reinstall. How To Download Camera Obscura (2017) The Full Movie.

Lauren Ross, formerly director of the alternative art space White Columns, served as the first curator for the High Line Park. Kim Beck's . Three 2. It cost more than US$1. US$2,0. 92,1. 51,0. It originally ran from 3.

Street to St. John's Park Terminal at Spring Street, and was designed to go through the center of blocks rather than over the avenue. Milk, meat, produce, and raw and manufactured goods could be transported and unloaded without disturbing traffic on the streets. The line climbs along the south side of 3. Street, and curves south.

Reconstructed tracks at 2. Street. The train also passed underneath the Western Electric complex at Washington Street. This section still exists as of May 1. By 1. 96. 0, the southernmost section of the line was demolished due to low use. The last train on the remaining part of the line was operated by Conrail in 1. Peter Obletz, a Chelsea resident, activist, and railroad enthusiast, challenged the demolition efforts in court and tried to re- establish rail service on the line. A small section of the High Line in the West Village, from Bank to Gansevoort Streets, was taken apart in 1.

High Line. Around this time, the structure became known to a few urban explorers and local residents for the tough, drought- tolerant wild grasses, shrubs, and rugged trees such as sumac that had sprung up in the gravel along the abandoned railway. It was slated for demolition under the administration of then- mayor Rudy Giuliani.

They advocated for the line's preservation and reuse as public open space, so that it would become an elevated park or greenway, similar to the Promenade Plant. These photographs of the natural beauty of the meadow- like wildscape of the railway, discussed in an episode of the documentary series Great Museums, were used at public meetings whenever the subject of saving the High Line was discussed. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and City Council Speakers Gifford Miller and Christine C. Quinn were important supporters. In total, funders of the High Line Park raised more than $1.

Federal Surface Transportation Board issued a certificate of interim trail use, allowing the city to remove most of the line from the national railway system. On April 1. 0, 2. Mayor Bloomberg presided over a ceremony that marked the beginning of construction. The park was designed by the James Corner's New York- based landscape architecture firm Field Operations and architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro, with garden design from Piet Oudolf of the Netherlands, lighting design from L'Observatoire International. Since the park's opening in 2.

High Line that have sold for at least $1. Shortly after the second section opened in 2.

The New York Times reported that there have been no reports of major crimes such as assaults or robberies since its first phase opened two years prior. Parks Enforcement Patrols have written summonses for various infractions of park rules, such as walking dogs or riding bicycles on the walkway, but at a rate lower than in Central Park. Park advocates attributed that to the high visibility of the High Line from the surrounding buildings, a feature of traditional urbanism espoused by author Jane Jacobs nearly fifty years earlier. According to David, . Busy parks are much less so. You're virtually never alone on the High Line. The Dia Art Foundation considered, but rejected, a proposal to build a museum at the Gansevoort Street terminus.

The building was designed by Renzo Piano and opened on May 1, 2. The 1. 97. 9 film Manhattan included a shot of the High Line, as director and star Woody Allen speaks the first line: . He adored New York City. The book also contained essays by writer Adam Gopnik and historian John R. In 2. 01. 1, the television series Louie used the High Line as a setting for one of the title character's dates. Green and C. Letsch (September 2.

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