Psychology Facts Everyone Should Know. Ever since I was a child, human psychology has fascinated me. A lot of it seems like common sense, but when you really dive into the human psyche, things become extremely complex. Below is a list of 2. Enjoy. 1. People are happier when they’re kept busy. It keeps them feeling positive. Happiness, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, and surprise are the only six emotions that are universally expressed.

Chocolate discharges the same chemical in your body as when you feel love. People are more honest when they’re tired.
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A 2. 0 second hug releases chemicals in the body that help you trust the one you’re hugging. Studies suggest that losing your phone triggers the same panic as a near death experience.
You’re more logical when you think in another language. No blind person has ever developed schizophrenia. High school kids have the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the 1. The brain feels rejection as pain. Your mind wanders about 3. Download Wedding Doll (2016) Movie Score. Your most vivid memories are probably wrong.
Even the illusion of progress motivates us. Internet addiction may be added to the list of mental disorders.
You can’t multi- task. Your unconscious mind knows first. We’re only capable of being close with about 1. When you remember a past event, you’re remembering the last time you remembered it.
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Small chunks of material are easier to remember. Memories get distorted over time, and every human has at least one piece of false memory. People with low self esteem are often bullies. People who volunteer are more satisfied with their lives. Your brain is more creative when it’s tired.
Relationships are more important for your health than exercise.