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Question Paper in Linear Format. Each Question is worth 1. But content of the answer is more important than its length. Discuss the possible factors that inhibit India from enacting for its citizens a uniform civil code as provided for in the Directive Principles of State Policy. The concept of cooperative federalism has been increasingly emphasized in recent years.
Highlight the drawbacks in the existing structure and the extent to which cooperative federalism would answer the shortcomings. In absence of a well- educated and organized local level government system, `Panchayats’ and . Critically discuss. Romance Films Trouble With Terkel (2017) on this page. Khap Panchayats have been in the news for functioning as extra- constitutional authorities, often delivering pronouncements amounting to human rights violations.
Discuss critically the actions taken by the legislative, executive and the judiciary to set the things right in this regard. Resorting to ordinances has always raised concern on violation of the spirit of separation of powers doctrine. While noting the rationales justifying the power to promulgate ordinances, analyze whether the decisions of the Supreme Court on the issue have further facilitated resorting to this power. Should the power to promulgate ordinances be repealed?
What are the major changes brought in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1. Ordinance promulgated by the President? How far will it improve India’s dispute resolution mechanism? Discuss. Does the right to clean environment entail legal regulations on burning crackers during Diwali? Discuss in the light of Article 2. Indian Constitution and Judgement(s) of the Apex Court in this regard.
Examine critically the recent changes in the rules governing foreign funding of NGOs under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), 1. The Self- Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP), which is India’s own innovation, has proved to be one of the most effective poverty alleviation and women empowerment programmes.
Elucidate. How can the role of NGOs be strengthened in India for development works relating to protection of the environment? Discuss throwing light on the major constraints.
The quality of higher education in India requires major improvements to make it internationally competitive. Do you think that the entry of foreign educational institutions would help improve the quality of higher and technical education in the country? Discuss. Public health system has limitations in providing universal health coverage. Do you think that the private sector could help in bridging the gap?
What other viable alternatives would you suggest? Though there have been several different estimates of poverty in India, all indicate reduction in poverty levels over time. Do you agree? Critically examine with reference to urban and rural poverty indicators.
In the light of the Satyam Scandal (2. If amendment bill to the Whistleblowers Act, 2.
Parliament is passed, there may be no one left to protect.” Critically evaluate.“For achieving the desired objectives, it is necessary to ensure that the regulatory institutions remain independent and autonomous.” Discuss in the light of the experiences in recent past. Increasing interest of India in Africa has its pros and cons. Critically examine.
Discuss the impediments India is facing in its pursuit of a permanent seat in UN Security Council. Project `Mausam’ is considered a unique foreign policy initiative of the Indian Government to improve relationship with its neighbors. Does the project have a strategic dimension?
Discuss. Terrorist activities and mutual distrust have clouded India- Pakistan relations. To what extent the use of soft power like sports and cultural exchanges could help generate goodwill between the two countries?
Discuss with suitable examples. Observations / Analysis of GS Paper- II in Mains- 2. Just like 2. 01. 4- each question worth 1. In Polity => Basic structure related topic, each year UPSC’s obsession “concern” for fundamental rights’ protection has continuously increased. Freedom of speech vs. IT Act. 20. 14: Freedom of Speech vs.
Parliament (2. 01. Judicial activism (2. SC vs. This year, two such question appeared from 2. Cooperative federalism- the buzz started in 2.
Modi became PM. 2. Both in health and education sector your job is to critically find faults/examination.
May be sporadic mention here and there afterwards, But itnaa detail mein kaun prepare kartaa hai. Government. From the new Mains- syllabus, Only once UPSC asked question which required you to write “Salient feature” i.
PURA in 2. 01. 3. Otherwise, each year they just ask you to find, highlight and fix the “fault” of Government e. Government schemes (2) should we run two things parallel- Adhaar vs. NPR? 2. 01. 3: how DBT can reduce corruption. So, one should finetune his notes- making strategy accordingly. When Bookie mentality backfires. Modi made so many schemes and foreign visits, atleast something should have come out of it, but it did not (except Project Mausam).
SHG topic has been asked to death in last two exam, so it should not have come, yet it continues to appear. UPSC asks why strong center bad for strong federalism. So then no question should have come from federalism in 2. So, again like the PPP topic (Mains- 2. PS: Bookie mentality did not misfire in following question: India Africa and UNSC permanent seat for India.
Both were in news for quite some time. Exchange program with Pre- CSAT era Mains. Further observation of the above stated “Magnification of subtopic”: Higher education. Mains- 2. 00. 6: “Discuss impact of globalization on higher education in India”. Mains- 2. 00. 9: Mushrooming of Higher Educational Institutions was a matter of grave concern for Yaspal Committee. But a student can benefit by (1) referring to the old papers of Mains exam (2) watchful eye on magazines and newspapers. Student Exchange program between GS1 and GS2.
Africa jumps from GS1 to GS2. GS1, 2. 01. 3Africa’s natural resources and India. GS2, 2. 01. 5India- Africa ties pros and cons. Smart village jumps from GS2 to GS1. GS2, 2. 01. 3PURA in improving connectivity in rural areas. GS1, 2. 01. 5Importance of smart villages.
Infact, same answer points can be recycled without any penalty because Modi’s smart village/RURBAN is parallel to UPA’s erstwhile PURA scheme. Diluted diplomacy. Like each year, the international relations (IR) section continues to occupy 5. Slight dilution in the level of difficulty. Earlier you had to know the specific technical details to attempt a question e.
But overall, GS2 continues to remain a tough cookie because of its broad contemporary nature. You’re most welcome to put your observations in the comment section. Relevance of Mrunal.
Bogus marketing propaganda. GS2 has mostly “haat aayaa par munh naa lagaa” (it came in the hands but not inside the mouth) i.
Did not cover the strategic aspects. Whistleblower. Excel file of current topiclist- under Polity section second last entry in May Week. OLF) was given. SHG- Bank Linkage. Mrunal Eco. Survey 2.
Ch. 5. 0. 1. 2. 5 although it does have mention of the . Salaa itnaa detail mein kaun preparae kartaa hai.
Total. 50/2. 50 = 2. Mrunal. org. GS2 Mains- Topicwise since Pattern change. In 2. 01. 3, UPSC changed the syllabus- pattern of Mains examination and the number of general studies (GS) papers were increased from two to four. Out of them, GS Paper- 2 deals with Polity, Governance, Welfare and International- Relations (IR)Polity: Basics of Constitution.