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If You Love Someone, Set Them Free. If They Come Back They’re Yours.
Richard Bach? Anonymous student? Sting? Peter Max? Chantal Sicile? Dear Quote Investigator: On his first solo album in 1. Sting released a song called: If You Love Somebody Set Them Free. Recently, I heard more elaborate quotations that included the above statement: If you love something, let it go. If it returns, it’s yours; if it doesn’t, it wasn’t.

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.
The statement immediately above was attributed to Richard Bach who wrote the enormously popular inspirationally work “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” in the 1. But I cannot find this saying in his novels. Could you tell me where this expression came from?
Quote Investigator: QI has found no substantiation that Richard Bach created or used the phrases above. The earliest known evidence for a version of this saying appeared in a book titled “I Ain’t Much Baby—But I’m All I’ve Got” by Jess Lair that was privately published in 1. Lair was a teacher, and he asked his students to create small writing samples.
For each class meeting a student was supposed to write “some comment, question or feeling” on a three inch by five inch card and place it on a table in the front of the classroom. Lair read the short texts and made comments at the beginning of the class. The following was written on one card . Here are three other examples from junior and senior students: 1. I heard a very profound statement last night. Unfortunately I’ve forgotten it. No guts—no glory.
Laughter is the song of the angels. Lair did not require the words to be original, and he did not request attributions. So the student may have gathered the quotation of interest from another unknown person. Top quotation expert Fred Shapiro, editor of the Yale Book of Quotations, obtained a copy of the 1.
Lair published multiple editions of his book, and in the past a 1. If you try to hold it tight like that, it’ll always try to get away.”In 1. Jess Lair published a version of the saying which he obtained from a junior or senior college student as mentioned above: If you want something very, very badly, let it go free. The phrasing of this version was closer to the most common modern variants. Max did not claim authorship; instead, he used the label “Unknown” . Mp4 Movies For Ipod It Comes At Night (2017) here.
If it comes back, it is yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.”—Unknown. The comic was part of a syndicated art series called “Meditation”. Max prompted his readers to send in quotations by asking the following question: “What words of wisdom guide your life?” The words above were sent in by “Chantal Sicile, Staten Island, N. Y.” But she did not claim authorship, apparently. The reward for a published quote was a poster autographed by Max.
In April 1. 97. 5 the Oregonian newspaper published a profile of basketball player Bill Walton in its Sunday magazine section. The article noted a picture that displayed a different phrasing for the saying . Jess Lair’s book was acknowledged, and the words were identical to those in the book . Afterimage (2017) Movie Dvd Watch. In 1. 97. 8 an interviewer for the UPI news service asked Majors about this relationship . It goes like this, .
If it comes back to you, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.’ That’s how I feel about a marriage partner.”By the 1. Richard Bach. Here is an example message from the Usenet distributed discussion system in 1. Jess Lair helped to popularize one version starting in 1.
He was given the statement by an anonymous student. Peter Max helped to popularize another shorter version in 1. He was sent the expression by Chantal Sicile.(Many thanks to Randi who asked about this quotation and inspired the construction of this query and reply.). Shapiro, Section Jess Lair, Page 4. Yale University Press, New Haven.
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