White Supremacists Celebrate President Trump's Rally in Phoenix. President Trump held a rally on Tuesday night in Phoenix, whipping the crowd into a frenzy and denouncing the media between chants of “lock her up.” Trump even said the word “Antifa” for the first time in public, a reference to the anti- fascist groups that have formed to fight against neo- Nazis and Nazi sympathizers. And there was one group that got his message loud and clear: White supremacists.
Many prominent white supremacists in the US saw the rally in Charlottesville, Virginia as a major turning point, at least from a media relations point of view. A 3. 2- year- old woman, Heather Heyer, died after a neo- Nazi terrorist drove his car into a crowd of counter protestors. And white supremacists took a more measured tone in the aftermath, making sure to denounce violence, knowing that aligning yourself with death isn’t great for the cause of creating a white ethno- state.
But President Trump’s speech last night seems to have changed all that. White supremacists like Richard Spencer appeared energized by the speech and live- tweeted their excitement as the president signaled his support in the fight against Antifa. Even before Trump said the word “Antifa,” white supremacists heard Trump’s equivocating loud and clear. At 1. 0: 1. 9pm Eastern time, Trump started talking about the rally in Charlottesville and said that it “strikes at the core of America” and that “this entire arena stands united in forceful condemnation of the thugs that perpetrate hatred and violence.” Trump then went on to talk about “the very dishonest media,” pointing at the press pen.
Whatever Trump actually meant by his condemnation of “thugs,” white supremacists on Twitter heard an ally denouncing anti- fascists. Richard Spencer tweeted less than two minutes later that Trump had, “just forcefully denounced Antifa. Strong.”Trump then went into a bizarre tangent where he re- litigated his earliest equivocating denunciation of neo- Nazis and continued to denounce the media and “the anarchists” that disrupt his rallies. Internet personality and white supremacist Baked Alaska, whose real name is Tim Gionet, celebrated the chants of “CNN sucks.” But Gionet doesn’t just hate CNN. Bollywood Thriller Movies Mary Magdalene (2017). He’s a Holocaust denier who has made videos saying that the, “mainstream media has been lying for over a hundred years.” Gionet and his friend Millennial Matt, real name Matthew Colligan, have said that Hitler wanted to get rid of the fake news in Nazi Germany and because “they didn’t have the internet, they didn’t have 4.
- President Trump held a rally on Tuesday night in Phoenix, whipping the crowd into a frenzy and denouncing the media between chants of “lock her up.” Trump even.
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Chan,” people got fake news about World War II. In the video Colligan laments the fact that absent the internet, “our friends in Europe back in 1. Hitler was. Other anti- semitic Trump supporters believed that by calling out the media, Trump was calling out Jews, using the word “Lugenpresse,” German for “lying press.”By the time Trump said the word “Antifa,” the Pepe- lovers on Twitter went nuts praising the president. They were seemingly unable to believe their own ears. Saying that “they show up in the black helmets and the clubs and everything” the president tossed out the word Antifa. His supporters knew exactly what he meant, even without a coherent statement about the group. Later, Trump kicked his dog whistles into high gear, making the case that Confederate statues were part of “our culture” and that “they” were trying to take away “our history.”“They’re trying to take away our culture.
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They’re trying to take away our history,” Trump said. These things have been there for 1. You go back to a university and it’s gone. Weak, weak people.”President Trump called the media “sick people” and said that they don’t want to make “our country” great again. He praised his own use of social media and said that it was a tool for him to cut through the lies. Trump also insisted that he doesn’t do “tweetstorms,” multi- tweet threads about a given topic.
Jason Kessler, who deleted his Twitter account for a couple of days after tweeting that Heather Heyer’s death was “payback time” in Charlottesville, seemed to concur that the media was distorting the things he was saying on social media. Kessler, the organizer of the neo- Nazi rally, reactivated his Twitter account yesterday and seemed as hate- filled as ever.“I’m back from the nether- realm of self- exile.
To all the Commies, conspiracy wackos & nazi optics cucks: pucker up. Payback is a bitch,” Kessler said, echoing his words about Heather Heyer, which he later apologized for. White supremacist James Allsup, who marched at the neo- Nazi rally in Charlottesville and recently resigned as the head of the College Republicans at Washington State University, tweeted the quotes from Trump that were clearly heard as dog whistles.
Later, James Allsup tweeted another rough quote from Trump, “Recapture our destiny. Rebuild our future. Our values will endure.” A follower tweeted back, “Was this the first official ? Feels good man!”Trump’s neo- fascist and white supremacist supporters heard exactly what they wanted to hear last night. Aside from perhaps one quibble that some of them had. Richard Spencer took issue when Trump called James Alex Fields, Jr.
Trump called Fields a “terrible person” and a murderer of Heather Heyer, but that was too much for Spencer.“Trump shouldn’t have called Fields a murderer. He should have demanded a fair trial. We simply don’t know what happened yet,” Spencer tweeted. Whatever you thought of President Trump’s unhinged rally last night in Phoenix, it’s clear what the white supremacists think.
They heard a president who they believe is on their side. And that should terrify decent Americans as the country continues its slide into fascism. Because while the media like to call Trump’s rallies “campaign- style” we have a term that seems much more apt after you watch him rant about “destiny” for over an hour: it’s called fascist- style.
Clear TV Key Antenna - Is it a Scam or Legit? What Is Clear TV Key Antenna? Clear TV Key Antenna is a small digital antenna that helps you watch broadcast television for free. Just plug it into any TV’s cable output, and you’ll be watching top- rated shows, local news and weather, and even sporting events on networks like FOX, NBC, CBS, PBS, etc.
No ugly antenna or messy wires to worry about. You can even use Clear TV Key in areas where other antennas might fail, such as in an RV, on a picnic, at the beach, and even on a boat. Here at High. Ya, we’ve written in- depth reviews about previous versions of this antenna, including the original Clear TV, as well as Clear TV Black Box.
Is there anything meaningfully different with the Clear TV Key? Can you expect it to work any better? Will you really be able to cancel your cable subscription? We’ll answer all your important questions below. How Do Digital Antennas Work?
Without getting too detailed, an antenna works by picking up radio waves sent from broadcast towers, putting the electrical information back together, and then recreating an image on your TV screen. Whether you’re talking about digital or analog signals, the process basically works the same.
The biggest difference between the two? Digital signals can be recreated more efficiently (less information loss), resulting in better picture quality. Why Do You Need a Digital Antenna In the First Place? The truth? Here’s why: “TV antennas don’t differentiate between analog and digital signals – they’re just collections of metal rods that pick up UHF and VHF transmissions at certain frequencies. The antenna doesn’t care what it’s picking up; it just passes signals along to the tuner (be it a tuner box or an integrated tuner inside your TV), which decodes them into a format that can be displayed on your TV.”In that article, the author shows you how to turn an unused attic antenna into something that can be used to pick up digital. Life. Hacker shows us how to do much of the same using a pair of rabbit ears.
At least in the first instance, you’ll need to be minimally handy. The rabbit ears option might entail a lot of frustrating trial and error, so it might not be ideal in all circumstances, either.
Either way, keep in mind that if you purchased your TV before 2. Digital Transition and Public Safety Act of 2. ATSC tuner. Does this mean you should rule out purchasing a newer antenna like Clear TV Key? Are Some Digital Antennas Better Than Others? If you’re looking to watch free network TV with minimal installation, setup, and hassle, a good digital antenna might be a valuable purchase.
But is there anything that makes one model better than another? Types of Antennas – There are 2 main types of digital antennas: omnidirectional, which can receive signals from all sides, or directional, which receive signals from just one direction. If you’re in the middle of a metro area with antennas all around you, an omnidirectional antenna might be best. Or, if you’re out in the country with signals coming only from the city, directional would likely be better.
UHF vs. VHF – Very High Frequency (VHF) signals travel farther, can’t move through most objects, and are lower quality. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) signals don’t travel as far, but are better quality and can easily move through wood, steel, and concrete (like your house). Many digital antennas can pick up both, but if you’re forced to make a choice, buy one that receives UHF signals.
Indoor vs. Outdoor – Antennas like Clear TV Key and Clear TV (more next) are for indoor use only, which means that signals can be weaker after passing through your home. You’ll also have to figure out where to put them to maximize signal strength, while minimizing their appearance. What Makes Clear TV Key Antenna Different? Compared to the original Clear TV and the more recent Clear TV Black Box, there are 2 major differences with Clear TV Key Antenna: First, Clear TV Key Antenna attaches to the cable output in the back of your television.
Because of this, you won’t have to worry about running a power cord to your digital antenna. Second, Clear TV Key is much taller and thinner than the previous two versions: Original Clear TV: 7 ? Although the company behind Clear TV Key claims it “hides discreetly behind your TV,” this depends on the type of TV you own.
If your TV is 3. 2” or smaller, it’s likely that some portion of the Clear TV Key Antenna will appear above the top. And the smaller your television, more of the antenna will show. Advertisement. Obviously, this depends on where the cable output is located on the back of your set.
In most instances though, the 3. Pro tip: If you’re worried about Clear TV Key Antenna appearing behind your set, grab a tape measure, set it to 1. Now you’ll know for sure! What you might not be sure about is exactly which channels you’ll be able to receive with Clear TV Key.
Which Channels Can You Get with Clear TV Key Antenna? Can You Cancel Cable? If you’re looking to watch free network TV with minimal installation, setup, and hassle, a good digital antenna might be a valuable purchase. But is there anything that makes one model better than another? Watch The Freedom To Marry (2017) The Movie Full Version.
Which channels won’t you be able to watch? Premium content networks like HBO, TNT, Lifetime, HGTV, and hundreds of others. One is free, and the other you have to pay for. The bottom line: Will Clear TV Key allow you to still watch programming if you cancel your cable subscription? Will you be able to watch all your favorite shows? If any of these shows are on cable- only networks, no. Even with this restriction, are customers pleased with the Clear TV line of digital antennas?
Will You Experience the Same as Other Clear TV Customers? Between the original Clear TV review and our updated Clear TV Black Box review, more than 5. High. Ya readers have talked about their experiences. What’s the result? Overall, these digital antennas had a 1. Usually because they didn’t live up to customers’ expectations. Primarily, this was based on complaints of poor reception, even though customers were within the recommended 2.
Ultimately—if they worked at all—this meant they only received 1 or 2 channels, not the “hundreds” claimed by Clear TV Key's manufacturer. And when customers decided to return their Clear TV antenna, they were often met with poor customer service and high, non- refundable S& H charges. Will you experience the same with the Clear TV Key Antenna? It remains to be seen, but in our opinion, it’s certainly worth keeping in mind. Let’s talk about more pricing next. How Much Does Clear TV Key Antenna Cost? Clear TV Key Antenna is priced at $1.
S& H. During checkout, you can also purchase a second for an additional $6. S& H. Like most Tristar products, Clear TV Key comes with a 6. S& H charges. Important note: If you choose the BOGO offer and decide to process a return, you’ll lose more in S& H than you’ll get back as a refund.
See Also: 3 Easy Steps for Cutting the Cord & Saving Money. Regardless, you’ll need to contact customer service at 9. Is Clear TV Key Antenna a Good Digital Antenna? We didn’t test Clear TV Key firsthand but based on the product’s commercial and what we learned during our research, we think it might be a good digital antenna option—as long as you keep your expectations realistic. Yes, you’ll be able to continue watching broadcast TV without an expensive cable subscription.
But this also means that you’ll no longer have access to cable programming, which might be a drag if this is where you watch most of your shows. However, it seems that most Clear TV customers reported that they didn’t receive the number of channels they were expecting (generally 2- 3).
Obviously, this doesn’t mean you’re certain to experience the same with Clear TV Key, but it might be worth keeping in mind. Add to this that Clear TV Key is attached directly to your TV, so you won’t be able to move it around as much as previous versions to improve reception. Our recommendation?