Organizer of Neo- Nazi Rally Tweets That Death of Heather Heyer Was 'Payback Time' . Weev, whose real name is Andrew Auernheimer, published a post on the social networking site Gab about two hours after Kessler’s tweet, taking credit for the hateful message. But Weev is known for making outlandish claims and so far there’s been no evidence presented to substantiate the claim that he hacked Kessler.
Other white supremacists who attended the rally in Charlottesville, like Richard Spencer, said that they would no longer associate with Kessler. Spencer, who was a mentor to Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller at Duke University, came to prominence after leading a neo- Nazi rally in November of 2.
- There was a day a few years ago where I received 1000 emails. I’m super careful about using my email address on online forms and what not, but every single time I.
- Now, before you put on your dunce cap and write “I will not lie to people for my own personal gain” a thousand times on the chalkboard, let’s do a thought.

Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!”“Hail victory” is English for the German Nazi slogan “sieg heil.”White supremacist Baked Alaska, who also attended the rally and posted video of himself shouting “hail victory,” also sought to distance himself from Kessler, disavowing “actual racial hatred.” Baked Alaska’s real name is Tim Gionet. It’s not clear what Gionet means by the tweet, as marching in a neo- Nazi rally seems to be the very definition of “spewing actual racial hatred.” Gionet has seemingly been much more open to the cause of non- violence since getting maced at the rally in Charlottesville, but not open enough to denounce the cause of white supremacy. He also doesn’t seem to understand that things like Holocaust denial and retweeting “Hitler did nothing wrong,” is itself a call to violence. But there was a broad mix of responses to Kessler’s tweet on Gab, the social network of choice for white supremacists who’ve been banned from Twitter. Some on the network insisted that Kessler’s tweet was proof that he’s actually a “paid plant” controlled by the US government to make white supremacists look bad.
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Some so- called alt- right activists have said that Kessler is a secret Barack Obama supporter and even wanted Hillary Clinton to win, basically the worst things you can say in the white supremacist community about other neo- Nazis. Others said that Heather Heyer herself was some kind of government agent. Several white supremacists insisted that anyone distancing themselves from Kessler were cucks and traitors to the cause of white nationalism. The term cucks has been popularized in the Trump- supporting community as a derivative of “cuckold” and is meant to be a derogatory term for other conservatives.
One alt- right You. Tube and podcasting personality, Tara Mc. Carthy, said on Gab that she understood why some people would “lay low” for the time being, but hinted that the idea of disavowing the cause made one a traitor. Gizmodo has reached out to Jason Kessler for comment and will update this post if we hear back. Heather Heyer couldn’t be reached for comment because she was killed by a neo- Nazi terrorist.
Update, 7: 4. 8am ET: Jason Kessler has now deleted the tweet, but has not responded to Gizmodo’s request for comment. Update, 7: 5. 5am ET: Kessler just tweeted, apologizing for the tweet about Heather Heyer and claiming that he was hacked last night. We have yet to see any evidence to confirm or deny whether Kessler was hacked, but he has previous used the term “payback time” in tweets from June 1. And platforming militantly anti- white academics from #UVA.
Now its payback time. The #altright & right wing will have its day to speak.”He also tweeted about the Unite the Right rally using the tweet above. Update, 8: 0. 4am ET: And now Kessler just deleted his tweet saying he was hacked for some reason.
But I got a screenshot. I still haven’t heard from Kessler directly. Update, 1. 0: 4. 9am ET: Kessler just sent out two tweets where he no longer claims that he was hacked and instead blames his tweets about Heather Heyer on stress and a combination of alcohol, sleep medication, and anti- anxiety drugs. Update, 1. 2: 5. 4pm ET: It appears that Jason Kessler has either deactivated or permanently deleted his Twitter account. I’ve uploaded screenshots above for all the tweets that were previously embedded.
This App Uses Artificial Intelligence To Manage Your Inbox. There was a day a few years ago where I received 1. I’m super careful about using my email address on online forms and what not, but every single time I go to a conference or attend an industry event I somehow manage to get signed up for another dozen or so related lists thanks to someone passing out my deets. No matter how careful you are, if you’re not diligent it’s easy for your inbox to spiral out of control. Download Whole Pulitzer At 100 (2017) Movie.
And when it gets too full, you end up missing the emails you want to see because they’ve somehow gotten buried in a pile of emails you don’t. Now there’s a new app that wants to provide a robotic helping hand to make navigating through the chaos easier. Called Astro, the Android and i. OS app has an AI assistant built in that reminds you to respond to emails from friends while also suggesting you unsubscribe from those promotional emails you never open.
I’ve been using it for a little over a month, and have been really impressed. On the surface it’s just like any other email app. Your messages are divided up into two inboxes, a “Priority” one full of messages it thinks you want to see, and an “Other” box with everything else. The app also offers some other features like email tracking and snoozing. That’s great and all, but the magic really comes from the app’s built- in digital assistant. When you tap into that, the assistant makes smart suggestions of things you should do based on how it sees you’re interacting with your inbox. For instance, today Astro asked me if I wanted it to automatically archive messages from Grubhub because it looks like I haven’t been reading them (or more like I didn’t even realize I was subscribed to them), and suggested that I add my friend Allison to my VIP list because it looks like we’re interacting frequently.
Yes, I could have done through my inbox and figured all that out myself. But would I have? Probably not. And those were questions I could answer while I was riding in a Lyft to meet a friend. This week, the app added Slack integration. So, if you’re like me and have your face buried in a Slack channel all day long, the app can let you know when an important email comes in. They also took things a step further to make Astro’s search bar work with Slack, so if you can’t remember whether you had a convo with a coworker in Slack or via email (the answer is always the opposite of what you think it is) you can search both at once.
Astro also works with Alexa, so you can have her read through messages and even send quick replies hands free while you’re still in bed or cooking breakfast in the morning. And it’s all free. You can give it a try here for Android and here for i.