Pictures, produced by David Weisbart, directed by Gordon Douglas, that stars James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn, Joan Weldon, and James Arness.! The national search that follows finally culminates in a battle with Them in the concrete spillways and sewers of Los Angeles. New Mexico State Police Sgt.

Ben Peterson and Trooper Ed Blackburn discover a little girl wandering the desert in a state of shock near Alamogordo. They take her to a nearby recreational trailer, located by a pilot in an airplane, where they find evidence that the little girl had been in the trailer when it was viciously attacked and nearly destroyed by someone or something. Later, it is discovered that the trailer was owned by an FBI Special Agent named Ellinson who was on an extended vacation with his wife, son, and daughter. None of the other members of the girl's family can be found at the trailer site. While being placed in an ambulance to take her to a hospital for treatment of her catatonic state so that she may be questioned about what happened to her family, the child briefly reacts to a strange, pulsating high- pitched sound by sitting up on the stretcher.

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The other characters in that scene do not notice her reaction, and when the noise stops, the girl lays back on the stretcher, once again unseen. General store owner . After a quick investigation, Sgt. Peterson leaves trooper Blackburn behind to secure the scene. Blackburn later goes outside to investigate a strange, pulsating sound; gun shots are fired, the sound grows faster and louder, and Blackburn's scream is heard.

Peterson's boss in New Mexico points out that Gramps had time to fire all his ammunition, and Trooper Blackburn was a . More puzzling is the coroner's report on Johnson's death: he died from a broken neck, back, skull fracture, crushed abdomen, and . After having analyzed a strange print found near the Ellisons' RV, the Department of Agriculture sends myrmecologists Dr. Harold Medford and his daughter Dr.

Pat Medford, to assist in the investigation. The elder Medford exposes the Ellinson girl to formic acid fumes, which revives her from her catatonic state; she screams, ! Following instructions from the elder Medford, Peterson, and Graham shoot off the ant's antennae, blinding it; they then kill it with their Thompson submachine gun. Medford reveals his theory: a colony of giant ants, mutated by radiation from the first atomic bomb test near Alamogordo, is responsible for the killings. Gen. O'Brien orders a helicopter search, and the skeletal remains of past victims are discovered near the ants' nest. Cyanide gas bombs are used, and Graham, Peterson, and Pat descend into the nest to kill any survivors. Deep inside, Pat finds evidence that two queen ants have hatched and have escaped to establish new colonies.

The elder Medford gives a briefing on ants to a government task force; they covertly investigate all reports of any unusual activity. One report shows a civilian pilot (Fess Parker) has been committed to a mental hospital after claiming that he was forced down by UFOs, shaped like giant ants. Next the Coast Guard receives a report of a giant queen hatching her brood in the hold of a freighter at sea in the Pacific; giant ants attack the ship's crew, and there are few survivors.

The freighter is later sunk by U. S. Navy gunfire. A third report leads Peterson, Graham, and Maj. Kibby to a large sugar theft at a rail yard in Los Angeles. An alcoholic in a hospital . The mutilated body of a father is recovered, but his two young sons are missing. Peterson, Graham, and Kibby find evidence that they were flying a model airplane in the Los Angeles River drainage channel near the hospital.

Martial law is declared in Los Angeles, and troops are assigned to find a nest in the vast storm drain network under the city. Peterson finds the two missing boys alive, trapped near the ants' nest. He calls for reinforcements and lifts both boys to safety, just before being attacked by a giant ant. Graham arrives with reinforcements and kills the ant, as others swarm to protect the nest. Peterson dies from his injuries.

Graham and the soldiers fight off the ants, but a tunnel collapse traps Graham. Several ants charge, but he is able to hold them off with his submachine gun just long enough for troops to break through the collapse. The queen and her hatchlings are discovered and quickly destroyed with flamethrowers. Medford offers a philosophic observation: . What we may eventually find in that new world, nobody can predict. Army Staff Sergeant in the communications room. However, Disney was more impressed by a scene with Fess Parker as an inmate in a mental ward of the Texas hospital.

Watching Parker's performance, Disney realized he had found his Davy Crockett.! During pre- production, tests were to be shot in color and 3. D. A few color tests were shot of the large- scale ant models, but when it was time to shoot the 3. D test, Warner Bros.' .

The next day a memo was sent out that the color and 3. D aspects of the production were to be scrapped; widescreen black- and- white would now be the film's presentation format. Warner Bros. Because of the preparation of certain scenes, many of the camera set- ups for 3. D still remain in the film, like the opening titles and the flamethrowers shots aimed directly at the camera. This effect was achieved by an Eastman Color section spliced into each release print. The depiction of the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico is actually the Mojave Desert near Palmdale, California. Download Split (2017) For Free on this page. Mercy Hospital was a real institution and is now Brownsville Medical Center.

It has also been noted that Whitmore employed bits of . During the climactic battle sequence in the Los Angeles sewers, there is a brief shot of one ant moving in the foreground with its side removed, revealing its mechanical interior. It was recorded at Indian Island, Georgia, on April 1. Cornell Lab of Ornithology.! It has a well- plotted story, expertly directed and acted in a matter- of- fact style to rate a chiller payoff and thoroughly satisfy the fans of hackle- raising melodrama!

Bill Warren described it as . The website's consensus reads, ! Thrills. It was also originally that Warner Bros. Now all they want is giant bugs. The scene takes place in 1. In the 1. 95. 0s E. C. Comics parody comic, Panic, a companion to the highly successful Mad, there is a parody on this film titled !

One of the larger, mechanical, bugs was designed after the giant ants in 'Them', 'The Spooky Spider', even though the creature only sports 6 legs, and another creature in this line also featured a giant bug designed after the giant wasps from the 1. Monster From Green Hell', 'Horrible Hamilton'.

Attempted Remake. Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved April 2. Smith 2. 01. 2, p. Herzberg 2. 00. 7, p. Gebert, Michael. The Encyclopedia of Movie Awards (listing of .

New York: St. Martin's Paperbacks, 1. ISBN 0- 6. 68- 0. Waldman, Katy (3. January 2. 01. 3).

Retrieved 2. 01. 5- 1. Them!, a cautionary tale about giant irradiated ants, was Warner Bros.’ highest- grossing film in 1. U. S. A., 1. 95. 4. Monthly Film Bulletin.

British Film Institute. Review from Variety dated April 1. Variety's Complete Science Fiction Reviews, edited by Don Willis, Garland Publishing, Inc., 1. ISBN 0- 8. 24. 0- 6. The Aurum Film Encyclopedia: Science Fiction.

London: Aurum Press, 1. Reprinted as The Overlook Film Encyclopedia: Science Fiction. London: Overlook Press, 1. ISBN 0- 8. 79. 51- 6. Peary, Danny. Guide for the Film Fanatic. London: Fireside, 1.

ISBN 0- 6. 71- 6. Pirie, David, ed. London: Penguin Books, 1. ISBN 0- 1. 4- 0. 14.

Retrieved: January 9, 2. Retrieved 2. 01. 5- 0. Thrills Nominees. Retrieved: January 9, 2. Retrieved: January 9, 2. Mills 2. 01. 0, p.

Greenberg, Allen. The FBI and the Movies. Jefferson, North Carolina: Mc. Farland & Company, 2. ISBN 9. 78- 0- 7.

Mills, Peter. Hymns to the Silence: Inside the Words and Music of Van Morrison. London: A& C Black, 2. ISBN 9. 78- 0- 8. Parish, James Robert and Michael R.

The Great Science Fiction Pictures.

Deadly Sci- Fi Gadgets You Can Build At Home. Ever since Aliens came out, we've all been deathly afraid of Sigourney Weaver. Likewise, most of us have wanted to use one of those giant mechano- loader things that Weaver uses to beat the shit out of the queen alien at the end of the movie, if for no other reason than it might be fun to strap into a giant metal suit and throw cars at buildings.

Now, obviously, (1) yours won't be on that scale and (2) this project requires a little more know- how than the rest. But by now you've gotten bored with your railgun and need to take things to the next level.

And it's not as hard as you'd think. In fact, they hold open competitions where people build powered suits (either pneumatic, electrical or hydraulic) that would let them lift a 6. The winner spent just over a $1,0. Bay. Another contestant made a whole exosuit in his garage for about $2,0. And he was a 1. 7 and had only a high school education. If he can do it, you can do it, too! Right? Well, it may take some time.

But at the end of it you'll have a suit that may not be enough to fight off a queen alien, but at least enough to, say, take on Queen Latifah for a round or two. We know what you're thinking. Powered suit? Projectile weapons? Hell, strap them all together and we've got ourselves a Di.

Y Iron Man here! If only it could fly. Well, lucky for you, visionaries like Gerard Martowlis went all out to invent their own jetpacks. And you can, too, but this time you'll have to shell out a little cash. As you might expect, one of the big snags in the design of any jetpack is just how to get off he ground without burning your legs off at the knees.

This is where the combustion engine has failed so many aspiring rocketmen in the past (such as Wile E. Coyote). Luckily, there are a few fun chemical alternatives to simply putting a tank of gas on your back and setting a match to it. For instance, 9. 0 percent of hydrogen peroxide, while horribly volatile and capable of exploding the shit out of you in its own right, also makes for a kick ass propellant. Enough to get you off the ground, at least, and send you hurtling towards the 6 o'clock news, as captured on cell phone video, when you slam into a wall. Where are you going to find that stuff?

The goddamned Internet, like everything else. This site has detailed plans and gives some good advice on where to get each part. The one you see there was built for less than $1. Come on, for that money you can get a jetpack or a 2. Honda Civic with high mileage.

If you even have to think about that choice, then get outta here. We don't want to know you. Find more from Ian at Scenicanemia. And check out 5 Tiny Mistakes That Led To Huge Catastrophes, because we don't want you to make this list in case, you know, you mess up while building your jetpack.

And before you decide to replicate other sci- fi staples in your garage, we insist you check out 5 Awesome Sci- Fi Inventions (That Would Actually Suck). Or, visit Cracked. Top Picks where we'll teach you how build your very own robot. Sex robot, that is.