But The 33.
Kate and Rick Separate — Spoilers. The following contains spoilers from Part 2 of the Castle Season 8 premiere. ABC’s Castle this Monday wrapped up its two- part Season 8 premiere by not only revealing where Beckett had been, but also suggesting where she is headed.
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A prequel set before the haunting of the Lambert family that reveals how gifted psychic Elise Rainier reluctantly agrees to use her ability to contact the dead in. Old Fashioned is both unusual and intelligent enough that, despite its not being entirely MY cup of tea, I’m hoping that it’ll succeed at doing at least a little.
And, shockingly, husband Rick won’t be a part of her immediate journey. RELATEDCastle Recap: . And thus — as foretold by TVLine’s June 3. Blind Item — she tearfully broke up with him in the episodes closing scene. In this exclusive interview, Castle co- showrunners Terence Paul Winter and Alexi Hawley shed light on this sure- to- be- scrutinized storytelling decision, survey what the long- running procedural will look like from here on, and dangle before fans the idea that Caskett “2. PHOTOSFall TV Predictions: Castle?
ALEXI HAWLEY . We’re using this to actually put the spark back in, and the stakes back in, which give us the fun and the juice. And it’s created some really fantastic results. Three Hearts (2015) Movie Photo.
We’re really excited about what were able to give Nathan and Stana to play. It was a bold choice, it was a tough choice, but I can say this — and I speak for both of us: The characters of Castle and Beckett both mean a lot to us, and their relationship means the world to us as well. So we have a real plan for how to guide through this new path, and we really do believe it’s going to be something that will be satisfying overall.
If people give us a chance, they’re going to really — hopefully — appreciate the journey that we’re going on. TVLINE . Does that make him more bothered by the situation, or less?
In the episodes immediately following, we are playing it a bit like he isn’t quite sure why she’s doing this; she really isn’t giving him a whole lot of information. I do think he might suspect deep down that there’s something more to it, but he has no frame of reference. The way he’s approaching it is: “No matter what, I’m going to win her back. She needs me.” So he puts a very positive spin on it . But for us, we came into this season talking about the threads that have been laying out there, and one of the big ones was: What does it do to you to have an obsession for all your adult life?
You put Bracken in jail but can you really just move on, or have you been affected on a DNA level? Last season, Beckett tried to be the happy wife and great detective, but what the case that launches this season did is make her realize that there’s something a little “broken” inside of her. Hopefully by solving this, she will come face to face with what she needs to get out of it.
She has those lines toward the end of Episode 2, saying that hopefully by doing this I can then own it and it can go away. TVLINE . Like, “Put down the pitchforks, everyone.
When we first started talking about doing this, the thing at the forefront was: How do we do it in a way that hopefully nobody gets mad at the characters? They can get mad at us, but? He also believes Allison Hyde was in fact leading all of this?
He thinks that it’s over. But he knows that it opened a door that Beckett had closed inside of her. Now she’s obviously trying to close it again and he wants to help her, but he doesn’t know that she’s got a new obsession. He just knows that it all blew up in his face. TVLINE . So, how often will you re- establish that she is in fact pursuing it?
Is it every other episode, are there just little hints? Or are we to just assume she’s doing stuff? We definitely nod at it in Episodes 3 and 4, and then come back to it in 6 and 7. They’re not big parts of the episodes, but they do keep it alive. It’d be unfair to the audience to not at least engage her in this.
The last thing we want the audience to feel is like we’re manipulating them, so we’re trying to play fair with what the characters are up to and what they think at all times. This is not an easy thing for Beckett, and you’re going to see over the course of the next several episodes that she is struggling with this choice, with this path — and Castle isn’t making it any easier, because he wants to win her back. TVLINE ? Kate is captain, Rick is off doing the P. I. How different of a show will it feel like? Watch Online Free Baahubali 2 (2017) here.
Will it in many ways resemble last season’s P. I. That’s how they fell in love, so that’s what his plan is. We actually have a lot of fun in figuring out different ways for him to get involved.
WINTER . They end up building theory together. They have all those delightful put- togethers. The sparks between them are electric if not more than ever, and that’s one of the main reasons why we made this bold choice. TVLINE . And they are still in love, and they know each other so well, so it’s a different kind of energy. It’s a “2. 0” version of them, which is kind of exciting. HAWLEY . You want them to get back together and all that stuff, which is a much more dynamic thing than just “They’re happy” — which is of course our goal but at the same time it’s not as dramatically interesting as rooting for them. WINTER . I mean, the way Stana and Nathan played it was amazing.
And we both understand that people are a little leery now of what the show is going to be, and they should be. But if they . This thing is going to constantly evolve, which is something we promised when we took over the show. It’s not just going to be this dynamic from here to the end of the season. By the time we get to the end of our fall finale, there’s another shift and change that’s going to happen that’s incredibly dynamic.
And that will lead us into even more interesting storytelling that will bring them together in a fun way. TVLINE . As hard as it might be to believe, Episodes, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are a lot of fun. We’re doing the standalone cases, we are keeping continuity with Beckett’s journey, but we’re also putting Castle and Beckett in situations together that have electricity to them, and we’re having some fun guest characters. As Terence said, by the time we get to our fall finale we’re shifting the dynamic again, so the audience is along for something of a ride, but one that ultimately is really fun. Want more scoop on Castle, or for any other show? Email insideline@tvline. Matt’s Inside Line.
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