The film traces Snowden's career in both the NSA and CIA as he becomes disillusioned with his work and receives support from his idealistic girlfriend (more.

There's quite a difference when director Oliver Stone actually gives a damn with a movie, and you can tell with Snowden that he is passionate about making a. Joseph Gordon-Levitt heads an all-star cast in Oliver Stone's 'Snowden,' a version of the life of controversial whistleblower Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden is the subject of Oliver Stone's new movie, "Snowden," which premieres in theaters on Sep. Romantic Horror Movies After Love (2017) here. Photo: Reuters. Here are a few ways the "Snowden.
- 2016 DVD & Blu-rays Releases: Zootopia
- Read the Snowden movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on
- By Kathy Ehrich Dowd .