He meets TJ, a 1. President's son. Due ..

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Where On Earth Are NASA's Rovers Sending Pictures From? Devon Island, Canada. There is an increasing number of people who believe that NASA's rovers never left the Earth in the first place, and the pictures they ar.. There is an increasing number of people who believe that NASA's rovers never left the Earth in the first place, and the pictures they are allegedly sending back from Mars are taken in remote areas of our planet. Alexander Light, Humans.

Are. Free. com. But if NASA's rovers are not on Mars, then where exactly are they? First of all, evidence suggests that the pictures that we see on NASA's website are not even taken by the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers. It is very possible that by now, both rovers are stored in a hangar, somewhere at NASA's JPL headquarters, and have been replaced by their smaller and more practical baby brothers. Sure, if needed, they can always be taken out for a spin, but other than that, the smaller rovers are more convenient to work with. One of the known locations where NASA is playing around with these small rovers is Devon Island, Canada.(It's worth noting that Devon Island is ? It's really impossible to make even remotely accurate tests. They also don't have the on board laboratories, so what's there to simulate?

Except for taking pictures, the . Check out the following video for further evidence (please notice the identical terrain as that from NASA's pictures). The video says Greenland, but it's in fact Devon Island, Canada). The cameras mounted on the .

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It's light and dark brown, similar to what Earth would look like without all the water and vegetation. Here are more amateur pictures of Mars. Download Full Sing Street (2016). The following is an image compilation from Antonio Cidadao (1. Please notice that Mars has clouds and a blue atmosphere, very similar to that of our planet (source for the above and below images here — where you can see more examples of Mars' true colors).

Now I'm not saying that we could breath on Mars like we do on Earth, but where are the blue skies in NASA's pictures? That reddish sorry excuse of an atmosphere is obviously fake. NASA admitted on numerous occasions to alter the colors of their pictures before posting them online, so that they look more like what we would see, if we were on Mars. Here's something straight from NASA's website: . Color- corrected mosaics simulate the view a person would see if all the images in the mosaic were taken on the same day, at the same moment. NASA is clearly admitting to .

Does it make any sense to you? Why not simply taking pictures of the environment AS IT IS?

Why changing its color into something else? It's the same old . NASA has been caught, more than once, faking entire environments of — allegedly — Mars.

In the following video (in Spanish), we can clearly see evidence of blatant tampering with the original environment (blurring specific areas and copy- pasting the same rock again and again, in over 7. Here are a couple of pictures, for better reference (source). I think these images prove without a shadow of a doubt that NASA is creating fake landscapes. It's all a lie, folks! Let's take the following picture for example.

The media called it the . I'm sure everyone remembers the following famous photo, in which we can see the rover's shadow and, right next to it, the shadow of a man in a space suit, seemingly making some adjustments. Of course, this either means that there are already humans on Mars (which I will address later on), or that this image was taken on Earth. Here's a picture of NASA scientist Pascal Lee, wearing an astronaut suit on Devon Island, Canada: Quick recap: On Devon Island there's an identical landscape as the one from NASA's pictures (presented to us as Mars), they have permanent bases there, rovers fitted with cameras roaming around, and people fully geared up in astronaut suits. Corroborate this with NASA's admission about editing the pictures before releasing them to the public and the fact that they have been caught more than once faking the landscapes, and the connection becomes crystal clear: the pictures are NOT from Mars! NASA's mission to Mars is a sad joke (as you will see later on), the rovers have never left the Earth and The Powers That Be have stolen yet another $2.

You should know that NASA has also used a secondary location on Earth for simulating the Martian environment, in the Mojave Desert. In that location, they train astronauts to walk around and do their daily jobs dressed up in space suits. It is also possible that NASA is sending their teams to various remote locations around the world, to take pictures of the barren environment — which they will later edit to look like Mars. They can even create fake environments altogether, by combining two or more images, or by adding/removing rocks, hills or even mountains). In a 2. 01. 2 article entitled New Mars Rover Photos Reveal 'Earthlike' Landscape, Mike Wall writes for Space. In the new black- and- white image, Curiosity's Gale Crater landing site bears a striking resemblance to the desert landscape a hundred miles or so east of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., where the rover was built, scientists said.

Posted online by NASA, the following image clearly shows a disc- shaped object flying across the horizon. So, they either have to admit that flying saucers are real, or that these pictures are taken on Earth. A truly impossible choice! NASA is a smokescreen for an advanced secret space program.

As I have presented in a previous article that you can read here, NASA is just a smokescreen for the real space program, which falls in the military domain, especially the US Navy. Download Larry Gaye (2015) Movie Tumblr here. These guys are flying extremely advanced . Gary Mc. Kinnon is a hacker that managed to break into the computers of the Army, Air Force, Navy and NASA.

Among other interesting things, he found out that the US Navy has a fully operational fleet of spaceships. In his own words, here is what he found out: . It had ranks and names. It had tabs for .

I took that to be, they must have a ships based in space – the names started with U. S. S. You can watch his interview here. And the evidence to support Mc. Kinnon's claims is truly overwhelming. For example, Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, has famously stated in 1. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual 'hand- me- downs.'.

You can watch his testimony here.'Captain Kaye' claimed to have spent 1. Mars and three years aboard an enormous space carrier. Andrew Basiago also claimed to have been on Mars 4. Captain Kaye's claims that there is an established human colony there.

Whistleblower Corey Goode claims to have been recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the age of six and personally traveled on Mars, where the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC).. They have facilities to take raw materials and turn them into usable materials to produce both complex metals and composite materials that our material sciences have not dreamt of yet. Do you really think that the previously mentioned ICC would allow NASA to roam around with their rovers, taking pictures? As an alleged, anonymous, . But the nice chemical. Very few people from NASA are actually. They don't know anything.

Before concluding this article, I leave you to watch NASA's absolutely ridiculous press conference about the alleged touch down of the rovers on Martian soil. It has bad acting, fake excitement, lots of sweat and numerous in- your- face statements about this being just a movie that you paid for ($2. These guys have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, they are unable to answer any scientific questions whatsoever and the journalists definitely know volumes more about this phony mission, but hey, as the guy says, it only cost you $7/person, so you might just as well enjoy it: By Alexander Light, Humans.