Face of the Band - TV Tropes. Usually it's the lead singer. Sure, there are a few other people playing the drums, guitar and bass, but who cares about them? They're just background noise, so they don't get much of the publicity, if any at all. One possible explanation for this involves the rise of the music video.
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For the most part, when a band makes a music video, the camera tends to focus on the person singing, thereby giving a lead singer much more camera time than the rest of the band. In extreme cases, the lead singer will be the only one in the music video. It's also rather fascinating just how often this tends to be a rare human- specific case of What Measure Is a Non- Cute? Taken to its Logical Extreme, becomes I Am Not Shazam. See also I Am the Band and Spotlight- Stealing Title. When a group tries to carry on after losing its most prominent member(s), the result is The Band Minus the Face. Can occur even on a Long- Runner Line- up.
Not to be confused with The Face but the roles can overlap if the one member everyone knows is also the most social. Quite common if the band is named after the guy. This trope refers to the general public, of course you can probably name all the members of your favorite band, but casual fans usually don't. This is not a game of . This ultimately leaves the band's guitarist as its least known member.
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Of course, at the end of the episode they find a character who knows Carreras . Colin said to Ryan, .

So I guess I only like two. Dedicated fans can name Kirsty Newton, but might take a bit longer for either drummer (Tasha Bayliss and Ivan Shepherd). Akiva Schaffer generally only does backstage work and Jorma Taccone hasn't really scored a major role. Even their manager only bothers to keep track of who's who because the drummer's the only one who can be trusted to drive the tour bus. Apparently, they used to be a trio, too.
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- It makes sense, really—Ragnarok is the third movie in the Thor series, and we’re several more movies into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole.
Their first CD even had an insert ad for Lambert's solo albums. The adverts tend to use groups of happy, shapely, unconstipated- looking women. Swimming costumes, post- bath towels or skimpy summer clothes feature a lot, just to make the point that Special K keeps you slim.
Most of the women in the adverts wear white or dull neutral grey. But the Special K Girl, the star of the show, the one who typifies the brand to platonic perfection, the leader of the gang, the one the others follow - she, and only she, wears the corporate red.
She is also usually black- haired when the rest around her are blonde or mousy. Similarly Josie is the face of Josie and the Pussycats. The band Stillwater is given a prototype promotional T- shirt to look at - which shows the charismatic and handsome guitarist in a nice portrait - and the rest of the band in shadow. Which gets even funnier in the next scene, when they start to argue over which one of them is going to emulate which ! You know, Keith and Mick! Page and Plant! He fumes in the background while Bill Nighy's character (who replaced the original singer) is interviewed. Wayne's girlfriend is Cassandra, lead singer and bassist of the band Crucial Taunt.
Her manager sees great potential in her.. The fictional band consisted of . He also attempted to be this in No Vacancy but that's one of the many reasons why they kicked him out. Cherie Curie is pushed as the Face of The Runaways and the other members end up resenting this. Cherie also suffers an emotional breakdown because of all the pressures of being the famous one (especially since she's only sixteen) and that's why she chooses to leave the band.
As Joan Jett puts it.. She was just the singer.
The protagonists, all part of the same K- Pop group, begin competing against each other to be the main member when their popularity peaks. Cue three of the four girls becoming insanely jealous of each other (the fourth, who serves as the Team Mom, simply tries to control the younger three).
It goes From Bad to Worse, in no small part because of the vengeful spirit tied to the titular song. It turns out that the manipulative singer Sy Snootles took control of the group after it's original leader was killed in a shootout, but she put the cheerful, friendly and easily manipulated keyboardist Max Rebo at the front of the group with the intent of making herself The Man Behind the Man. And their brother Jim. This is a strong motive for his bandmates to kill him, but it turns out that the killer is his ex- girlfriend, who was afraid she'd lose custody of their child to him and didn't want the kid caught up in his drug- fuelled lifestyle. In an episode of Quantum Leap Sam leaps into the leader of a Glam Rock band. He writes and sings all their songs and plays guitar; when the other guitarist asks him to play one song he wrote, Sam refuses. In- universe, Gibbs is the literal posterboy for NCIS.
The anime tackles why this is the case. It goes to his head, and the other members become so tired and envious of Ziggy's success and ego that they ultimately kill him. Scottie Pippen for Michael Jordan). Cleveland Cavaliers.
Le. Bron James. 2. Antawn Jamison. 2. Kyrie Irving. 2. 01. Le. Bron James Oklahoma City Thunder. Kevin Durant. 2. 01. Russell Westbrook.
Portland Trail Blazers. Bill Walton. 1. 98. Clyde Drexler. 2.
Brandon Roy. 2. 01. La. Marcus Aldridge. Damian Lillard. NFL: Usually the starting quarterback of each team, but it can vary. This leads to original lead singer Effie trying to steal the spotlight back.
And he's also a loud, funny Russian guy, which helps a lot. Though this is downplayed by Overwatch having a massive roster of characters who've become recognizable by casuals in their own right, such as Reaper, Winston, Widowmaker, Soldier: 7.
D. Va, Reinhardt, Mc. Cree, Mercy, Genji, and Bastion. It helps that he's actually in a band, and that his face is plastered all over the games and the restaurant they take place in. Though Foxy has more fans. Splatoon has the in- game band ABXY, also known as the Chirpy Chips internationally.
Their lead vocalist is an adorable sea anemone girl, who has already become the most popular of their quartet amongst the game's fans. Most people who're not into the game only know Pikachu and Meowth. Maybe you'll get Charizard, Squirtle, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, and Lucario (all aside from Meowth having been playable in Super Smash Bros. Of the human characters, only Ash, Jessie and James,all from the anime, are well- known in the mainstream, much to the annoyance of game fans. The other characters most people will know are Misty and Brock (more as Ash's travel companions than as gym leaders).
Sub- Zero is a close second. Liu Kang is probably third. Despite the band having five members (and an early puzzle requires you to listen to all five musical parts to determine a discrepancy), you only ever see or talk to Klavier and Daryan. Creepypasta is. The Midnight Society. To the point where he actually used to have a trope page by himself.
So, of course, he's also one of the best voice actors on You. Tube. note YMMV. Vinesauce is Vinny and Joel to most people, the former because he's the founder (and his corruption videos, even though that's something he only occasionally does) and the latter after his destruction of a Windows XP virtual machine (as well as a since- disowned joke in the same stream) put him on the map. Originally, it was just Vinny that was the most well known, but even after Joel's popularity added another face to the band, the other streamers still tend to be less well known. The Nostalgia Critic is usually the first that comes to mind for people who don't follow the site. Naturally she's the one who has to learn An Aesop about letting her ego get the best of her.
An in- universe . She's the one who gets the media attention and is an actress. The Live- Action Adaptation and IDW comics both deconstruct this. In the movie Jem getting the spotlight causes her bandmates to leave. In the comics Rio thinks Jem comes off as a spoiled diva and complains why the band isn't just called .
Overlooked . For many people, when the kids outgrew their toys, those little hunks of plastic became nothing but garage sale fodder, or they wound up thrown in the trash with the leftover meatloaf from the fridge. But nowadays, more and more people have come to realize that there’s gold in the toy chest, and instead of dumping them at Goodwill, they put their kid’s Castle Grayskull up on e. Bay to help make a down payment on a new hot tub. But not all of us have a factory- sealed, Mint In Box, professionally- graded Optimus Prime sitting in our basement that will sell for $3,7. What if all we have is a toy box full of figures that weren’t the star of the after- school animated cartoon? Don’t worry, there are still plenty of overlooked '8.
Transformers Dinobot Swoop $9. First released in North America in 1. Transformers took kids' imaginations by storm, becoming one of the hottest toys and cartoons of the decade. In 1. 98. 5, Hasbro released a new sub- group of figures, The Dinobots, five transforming dinosaurs, headed up by Grimlock, a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although all of the Dinobots became popular, the pteranodon, Swoop, soon became a frontrunner due to his cool, chrome- covered wings and his heroic appearance in the second season of the animated series.
For serious collectors, Swoop has become something of a Holy Grail because those chrome wings were easily chipped, the transformation process made it fairly common to break off his beak, and he was never released in the U. The New Big Bear (2017) Movie. K., meaning some collectors never even had the chance to own him in the first place.
Therefore, a Swoop in good condition—even one that doesn’t necessarily have all of his accessories—can sell for about $9. Bay. In comparison, a complete Grimlock with the box, goes for only a couple bucks more.
If you’re lucky enough to have a Swoop in a factory- sealed box, though, you could be looking at upwards of $1,4. Savage He- Man $3. Sometime in the late 1. He- Man figure began showing up on the collector’s market. While the original He- Man figure had blond hair, brown furry loincloth and boots, and a reddish- orange belt, this new He- Man figure had dark brown hair and loincloth, and a black belt and boots.
To make matters even more confusing, the figure was sometimes found wearing black and white armor, and sporting a variety of rust- colored weapons and shields. Others said the figure originated as a mail- in offer from Mattel if kids sent in three proofs of purchase from He- Man toys. However, some conspiracy- minded collectors believed it was part of a line of Conan the Barbarian movie tie- in toys that had to be halted when Mattel saw a preview and grew concerned over the . Some also called him simply “Wonder Bread He- Man.” Unfortunately, no one from Mattel or Wonder Bread has ever been able to confirm just where this mysterious action figure comes from. Regardless of how he came to be, Savage He- Man is considered one of the rarest toys in the entire Masters of the Universe line, simply because no one knows how many were produced.
This has led collectors to pay upwards of $3. Bay. However, because of his popularity, counterfeits are a common occurrence, so buyers must beware. As a winking homage to the mysterious action figure, in 2. Mattel released . Along with the Conan- esque color scheme and the self- referential name, there are three circles on the back of his armor that resemble the red, yellow, and blue dots of the classic Wonder Bread logo, plus the figure comes with a plastic loaf of bread in case he works up an appetite fighting evil.
Thunder Wings Lion- O $5. After three years on the market, by 1. Thunder. Cats had run its course in the toy aisle. Kids had moved on, mostly to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and so the manufacturer, LJN Toys, began winding down production. In a last ditch effort to keep the remaining fans happy, they produced a few more new toys, including Thunder Wings Lion- O, an action figure of the Thunder. Cats’ leader with a pair of detachable, mechanical wings.
Because the toyline was ending, very few Thunder Wings Lion- O figures were produced, meaning there are only so many to go around for Thunder. Cats collectors today. A loose Thunder Wings in good condition can easily bring $5. Bay, but if you’re lucky enough to have one “Mint On Card,” you’re looking at quite a bit more—like nearly $2,8. Star Wars Micro Collection Millennium Falcon $6.
The Star Wars Micro Collection, introduced in 1. Kenner. Instead of the plastic 3. Micro Collection featured diecast figures not much bigger than 1. The scale of the figures allowed Kenner to make some plastic playsets that would have been too cost prohibitive to make in the regular 3.
The line wasn’t particularly popular with kids—mainly because the figures didn’t have any articulation, and the diecast paint jobs would chip off too easily—so the series only lasted for one year. In all, nine playsets were released, as well as four vehicles, one of which was a Millennium Falcon that was small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
Han Solo’s famous ship was only available at Sears when the Micro Collection launched, and the toyline was cancelled before it could be released to more retail outlets, making the Falcon the rarest toy in the series. Obviously its rarity makes the Falcon worth quite a bit more than the other playsets and vehicles. A loose ship, without any of the figures, can fetch up to $6. Bay if it’s in good shape. But if you’re lucky enough to have all six figures and the box, you’re looking at anywhere between $2. Jem and the Holograms Merchandise $1. When I searched for Jem and the Holograms on e.
Bay, I expected to find quite a few Mint In Box dolls that would sell for a pretty penny. However, I was surprised to see that they’re generally available for lessthan$1. The last thing I expected to find was that Jem- branded merchandise was selling for prices that can only be described as truly, truly outrageous (sorry, I couldn’t resist).
For example, to complete your ultimate Jem collection, you have to have the Pop- A- Point pencils from Spindex. To jog your memory of fifth grade, Pop- A- Point pencils were plastic sleeves that contained 1. When the top lead wore down, you simply popped it out and put it in the other side, pushing a new lead cartridge out so you could finish your geography homework. Kids were obviously so excited to use their new school supplies that they ripped them open without a thought for future resale value, so a rare sealed package of two Jem Pop- A- Point pencils recently sold on e. Bay for $1. 35. To put that into perspective, two sealed packages of Return of the Jedi Pop- A- Point pencils with 2. As if that wasn’t crazy enough, a pair of glittery Jem socks in kid’s size 2- 3, still in the package from 1. I guess it just goes to show that accessories really can make the outfit.
The Real Ghostbusters Proton Pack $8. Everybody loved Ghostbusters in 1. Seriously—everybody. So when the animated series The Real Ghostbusters debuted in September 1. One of the most popular toys in the Real Ghostbusters line came in 1.
Proton Pack and bust themselves some phantasmagorical bad guys. Although the Proton Pack was a big seller, there were a lot of parts to keep track of, including small pieces like a Ghostbusters armband, a ghost- finding PKE meter, and a yellow foam tube that stood in for the stream that shouldn’t be crossed. By the time a kid’s ghostbusting days were over, chances are some of those pieces were long gone. So if you find a complete set on e. Bay, it’s not unusual to pay anywhere between $8.
Of course if you’re lucky enough to come across a factory- sealed box, expect to shell out over $5. Bubble Power She- Ra $1. Princess Adora, the twin sister of Prince Adam/He- Man, could also transform into an evil- battling superhero, She- Ra: Princess of Power. First introduced in 1.