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Why Does Mint Make Your Mouth Feel Cold? More than 3. 0 years ago, Apple defined the Super Bowl commercial as a cultural phenomenon. Prior to Super Bowl XVIII, nobody watched the game . Read on for the inside story of the commercial that rocked the world of advertising, even though Apple's Board of Directors didn't want to run it at all. THE ADIf you haven't seen it, here's a fuzzy You. Tube version. When Steve Jobs heard the pitch in 1. Macintosh as a . Jobs saw IBM as Big Brother, and wanted to position Apple as the world's last chance to escape IBM's domination of the personal computer industry.
The Mac was scheduled to launch in late January of 1. Super Bowl. IBM already held the nickname . Just before being snatched by the police, she flings a sledgehammer at Big Brother's screen, smashing him just after he intones .
A mere eight seconds before the one- minute ad concludes, a narrator briefly mentions the word . And you'll see why 1. It is now 1. 98. 4. It appears IBM wants it all. Apple is perceived to be the only hope to offer IBM a run for its money. Dealers, initially welcoming IBM with open arms, now fear an IBM- dominated and - controlled future. They are increasingly turning back to Apple as the only force that can ensure their future freedom.
IBM wants it all and is aiming its guns on its last obstacle to industry control: Apple. Will Big Blue dominate the entire computer industry? The entire information age? Was George Orwell right about 1. Scott filmed the ad in London, using actual skinheads playing the mute bald men—they were paid $1.
Big Brother; those who still had hair were paid to shave their heads for the shoot. Anya Major, a discus thrower and actress, was cast as the woman with the sledgehammer largely because she was actually capable of wielding the thing. Mac programmer Andy Hertzfeld wrote an Apple II program .
The ad cost a shocking $9. Apple booked two premium slots during the Super Bowl to air it—carrying an airtime cost of more than $1 million. WHAT EXECUTIVES AT APPLE THOUGHTAlthough Jobs and his marketing team (plus the assembled throng at his 1. Apple's Board of Directors hated it. After seeing the ad for the first time, board member Mike Markkula suggested that Chiat\Day be fired, and the remainder of the board were similarly unimpressed. Then- CEO John Sculley recalled the reaction after the ad was screened for the group: .
Most of them felt it was the worst commercial they had ever seen. Not a single outside board member liked it. Chiat had purchased two slots—a 6. Chiat sold only the 3. By disobeying his client's instructions, Chiat cemented Apple's place in advertising history.
When Apple co- founder Steve Wozniak heard that the ad was in trouble, he offered to pony up half the airtime costs himself, saying, . I said, 'Well, I'll pay half of it if you will.' I figured it was a problem with the company justifying the expenditure.
I thought an ad that was so great a piece of science fiction should have its chance to be seen. All three national networks, plus countless local markets, ran news stories about the ad.
The marketing logic was brilliantly simple: create an ad campaign that sparked controversy (for example, by insinuating that IBM was like Big Brother), and the media will cover your launch for free, amplifying the message. The full ad famously ran once during the Super Bowl XVIII (on January 2. December 3. 1, 1. TV station operator Tom Frank ran the ad on KMVT at the last possible time slot before midnight, in order to qualify for 1. Any awards the ad won would mean more media coverage.) Apple paid to screen the ad in movie theaters before movie trailers, further heightening anticipation for the Mac launch. In addition to all that, the 3. Super Bowl. Chiat\Day adman Steve Hayden recalled: .
The Macintosh executive staff was invited to attend, not knowing what to expect. When the Mac people entered the room, everyone on the board rose and gave them a standing ovation, acknowledging that they were wrong about the commercial and congratulating the team for pulling off a fantastic launch.
Chiat\Day wanted the commercial to qualify for upcoming advertising awards, so they ran it once at 1 AM at a small television station in Twin Falls, Idaho, KMVT, on December 1. And sure enough it won just about every possible award, including best commercial of the decade. Twenty years later it's considered one of the most memorable television commercials ever made. Directed by Ridley Scott's brother Tony, the new ad was called . But unlike the rousing, empowering message of the . It was also weirdly boring—when it was aired at the Super Bowl (with Jobs and Sculley in attendance), nobody really reacted. The ad was a flop, and Apple even proposed running a printed apology in The.
Wall Street Journal. Jay Chiat shot back, saying that if Apple apologized, Chiat would buy an ad on the next page, apologizing for the apology.
It was a mess: 2. YEAR ANNIVERSARYIn 2. Pod. The only change was that the woman with the hammer was now listening to an i. Pod, which remained clipped to her belt as she ran. You can watch that version too: FURTHER READINGChiat\Day adman Lee Clow gave an interview about the ad, covering some of this material.
Check out Mac team member Andy Hertzfeld's excellent first- person account of the ad. A similar account (but with more from Jobs's point of view) can found in the Steve Jobs biography, and an even more in- depth account is in The Mac Bathroom Reader. The Mac Bathroom Reader is out of print; you can read an excerpt online, including Quick. Time movies of the two versions of the ad, plus a behind- the- scenes video. Finally, you might enjoy this 2. USA Today article about the ad, pointing out that ads for other computers (including Atari, Radio Shack, and IBM's new PCjr) also ran during that Super Bowl.* = A Note on the Airing in 1.
Update: Thanks to Tom Frank for writing in to correct my earlier mis- statement about the first air date of this commercial. As you can see in his comment below, Hertzfeld's comments above (and the dates cited in other accounts I've seen) are incorrect.
Stay tuned for an upcoming interview with Frank, in which we discuss what it was like running both.
How to Handle a Coworker Who Dresses Inappropriately. You’ve got problems, I’ve got advice. Romantic Horror Movies The Veil (2017). This advice isn’t sugar- coated—in fact, it’s sugar- free, and may even be a little bitter. Welcome to Tough Love. You’ve got problems, I’ve got advice. This advice isn’t sugar- coated—in fact, it’s sugar- free, and. I simply want to give you the tools you need to enrich your damn lives.
If for whatever reason you don’t like my advice, feel free to file a formal complaint here. Now then, let’s get on with it. Hi Patrick,I’m in a situation where I have to tell a colleague they aren’t dressed appropriately. The situation is that I’m male, she’s female, and the issue is that she dresses a bit too nicely at times (read: inappropriately so). It’s not too bad, and it doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens enough that I need to say something (especially when we’re having customer- facing events). I would like to get the message across without embarrassing her, without affecting our working relationship, and without having to resort to corporate/HR BS.
Any ideas? Confidently Confused. Hey Confidently Confused: I have one question for you: are you this woman’s superior in any way? And just to be clear, “superior” doesn’t mean being older or being a man. You say “colleague” so I’m guessing you’re not. So if you’re not her professional superior, it’s not your place to be commenting on the appropriateness of her attire—at all. Heck, even if she is a subordinate, it’s still pretty inappropriate to say anything about her appearance. And I don’t know what you mean exactly by dressing “too nicely, inappropriately so.” You might be saying she’s dressing up too much—like going black tie to a business caj lunch—but I’m think you mean dressing too attractively and couldn’t think of a better way to say you think she dresses like a slut sometimes.
But here’s the deal, Con. Con, that’s a matter of opinion—your opinion—and you’re not the ruling party.
For whatever reason, men think they have the authority to tell women how to dress in the workplace, and they don’t. Not only do you assume what she’s doing is unprofessional, you feel the urge to handle it yourself instead of going through the proper channels! You keep saying you “have to tell” her and that you “need to say something,” but you don’t, and there’s no way this won’t affect your working relationship if you do.
The audacity! If it really is that big of an issue for you, Con. Con, you have to go through HR. I know you were hoping I could tell you some tactful, clever way to bring up the issue while avoiding the “BS,” but it’s the only option here that doesn’t make you look really bad. If you tell HR and she’s not breaking any dress code rules, too bad. Keep your damn mouth shut. If her attire is actually inappropriate according to the dress code, however, HR has the authority to let her know.
They’ll do it privately without embarrassing her and she won’t even have to know it was you, which keeps your working relationship from being affected. You know, by trying so hard to avoid the bullshit, Con. Con, you almost stepped in a big pile of it. Tell me, what’s troubling you? Is work getting you down? Are you having problems with a friend or a coworker?
Is your love life going through a rough patch? Do you just feel lost in life, like you have no direction? Tell me, and maybe I can help. I probably won’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but sometimes what you need is some tough love. Ask away in the comments below, or email me at the address you see at the bottom of the page (please include “ADVICE” in the subject line).
Or tweet at me with #Tough. Love! Also, DO NOT EMAIL ME IF YOU DON’T WANT YOUR REQUEST FEATURED. I do not have time to respond to everyone just for funsies.