Top 1. 0 Best Horror Movies Of 2. Let’s explore the best horror movies of 2. The scary list features the usual mix of reboots (. We’ve got cannibals (.

It’s a versatile year. Based on me watching almost everything released, these are the top 2. Let us know in the comments what your picks are. Wyrmwood: Road Of The Dead. Starring: Jay Gallagher, Bianca Bradey, Leon Burchill. Director: Kiah Roache- Turner. Released: February 1.

Sinister 2 (2015) Movie Trailers

U. S. Dates)As a zombie apocalypse erupts, a talented mechanic sees his family killed, and his sister kidnapped by a team of gas mask wearing soldiers. He hits the road to find her in his blood- powered armoured car, teaming up with a loud- mouth aborigine and encountering various rough and ready survivors as he battles through the flesh- eaters in the harsh bushland. Meanwhile, his sister is being experimented on by a psychotic doctor, working toward giving her the ability to control zombies with her mind. By the time her brother arrives, she may not need his help.

Filmed on weekends as a labour of love over the course of several years, it’s a big achievement what they managed to accomplish, but a hard one to universally recommend. Essentially it’s a 1. It’s also a one- dimensional movie with a thin script, thin characters, and Syfy- quality zombies. Compare it to the similarly- influenced . How you respond to the trailer is the best indicator.

Stung. Starring: Matt O’Leary, Jessica Cook, Lance Henriksen, Clifton Collins Jr. Director: Benni Diez. Released: July 3, 2. For two catering staffers, Mrs. Perch’s fancy garden party at her remote country villa is nothing out of the ordinary.

What makes a great movie trailer? As with the films they sell, there’s no one answer. Some trailers provide a strong impression of their “product,” letting. Let’s explore the best horror movies of 2015. The scary list features the usual mix of reboots (

Sinister 2 (2015) Movie Trailers
  1. 2015 Horror movies, movie release dates & more. A complete list of Horror movies in 2015.
  2. Superheroes, swimsuits, and special operatives await you in our Summer Movie Guide. Plan your season and take note of the hotly anticipated indie, foreign, and.
  3. The sequel to the 2012 sleeper hit horror movie. In the aftermath of the shocking events in.

Until a mishap with toxic plant fertiliser leads to the most unwelcome of dinner guests: large killer wasps. The catering- for- old- timers- at- a- country- house setting feels unique, the lead (Matt O’Leary, . Unfortunately it starts to sag after the wonderful Lance Henrikson (. Those stories tell of an insane feral boy, but what’s unsaid is the boy has an even more murderous father, who has littered the woods with deadly traps. When Sam’s life in camp is made a misery by both bullies and leaders, he delves into the woods and encounters the feral boy. Free Download Broken Mile (2017) Movie here. The two spark an uneasy understanding.

But soon the father’s rampage will reach the camp, and a bloodbath will ensue. This is a pretty conventional slasher, with an interesting arc for the lead boy. The problem is Sam is too mild- mannered to convince as a deeply troubled individual. Nevertheless the setting is strong and the film is pretty fearless, going to a few places others wouldn’t.

Some Kind Of Hate. Starring: Ronen Rubinstein, Sierra Mc. Cormick, Grace Phipps. Director: Adam Egypt Mortimer. Released: September 1. A bullied teenager is sent to a new- age reform center in the hills. When he starts to be picked on again he unwittingly summons the deadly spirit of a girl who died under similar circumstances.

She unleashes bloody vengeance on his tormentors, before turning her murderous anger toward everyone. The tormented ghost looks more the part but by the end she comes off as quite whiny and more annoying than frightening. There are actually too many kill scenes – you’ll never see so much self- harm and fatal wrist slitting, which makes it a grim watch. Having said that, the central premise and kill method is a good one for a slasher (harming herself causes the injuries on her victims) and it’s done well enough.

Cooties. Starring: Elijah Wood, Rainn Wilson, Alison Pill, Leigh Whannell, Jack Mc. Brayer. Directors: Jonathan Milott, Cary Murnion. Released: September 1. A wannabe writer turned teacher (Wood) starts his first day as supply at the school he used to go to. But when virus- infected chicken nuggets are served at the cafeteria, the kids turn into feral zombies, ripping apart any adult they come across. Now the bickering teachers are under siege in the school, looking for a way across the playground.

The twisted kid imagery is fun. However it doesn’t start well, being too silly before the kids even transform – like a weird fever dream of unnatural character moments and misfiring jokes. The tone just doesn’t work until things are well underway. Also, because this is co- written by Leigh Whannell (.

The only survivor found, and only suspect, is too shaken to talk until the unit’s psychologist (Bello) shows up. With the right questions it all starts coming back.

It combines found footage, interrogation video, news cameras and classic cinematography. It heavily rips off . Grillo and Bello are seasoned pros and they do well, especially handling a handful of silly lines that would have clunked with lesser talent.